
Showing posts from August 31, 2014

Amazing Story

JOHN CARTER John carter became addicted to pornography at his teenage age and when he gave his life to Christ at his twenties, he still struggled with pornography and that made him to begin to withdraw himself from God. This is the case of several Christian folks that had backs lidded or are still backslidden, when they find it difficult to clean up an old addiction in their life, they begin to distance themselves from the Lord and go back into sin. Since they can’t become a good Christian, let them continue in their former sinful life the devil will suggest to them. You don’t withdraw a child from school because such child is finding it difficult to learn – if the child will ever learn, he will need a school to teach him. Naturally, you don’t avoid doctors because a sickness is not responding to doctor’s treatment, if you’ll ever be healed, you’ll need a doctor. Likewise you don’t withdraw from God because you have an addiction that is destroying your Christian life, ...

fBEWARE OF FLATTERY With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. Psalms 7:21 He will call me honey, darling, sweet heart, miss world, and every sweet name in the world just to get at me and once he gets me, he used me and when he is satisfied he treats me like shit and when I leave, he comes again and even if I don’t want him knowing fully well what the result will mean, immediately he starts calling me those names again, I won’t know when I’ll fall into his hands again Chioma was saying to me. If girls bewitch men by their nude dressings, men bewitch girls by calling them flattering names. In every girl is a need for a continual assurance that she is the most beautiful person in the world. She wants to be told that she is better than the next girl down-street and she will unconscious do anything for any person that will tell her that even if that person didn’t mean it. Eve fell for the flattery of the devil in Genesis 3 and many Christian females have fallen too. Our greatest needs is our greatest weakness, when you depend on a man to fulfil that need then you’ll be weak against that man’s interest even if his interest is hurting you greatly. The bible has said that you are beautiful, why do want to hear it from that person that has continually used you each time he tells you are beautiful. Some Christian girls are with the wrong person and they know it, just that any day they want to break out, the guy just repeats his flattery and they wouldn’t break it up as they will chose to suffer long in such relationship just to be hearing flattery words. Never for flattery destroy your life and future. When the wrong person is enticing you with flattery words, do not consent, no matter how sweet his or her words are to the ear. Proverbs 1:10. Guard your heart against flattery, whoever thinks you are the miss world, will not just say it with his mouth but will show it in his behavior towards you. God bless you. Pastor Promise Ikpe Share the word To be getting these messages on whatsapp please add +2348081330585

she ate to her shame

SHE NEVER ASKED And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Genesis 3:6 The devil brought a proposal to Eve about eating the fruit of the tree of which the Lord has warned them not to eat from. The devil told her that the fruit was good for food, pleasant to be desired and is able to make one wise, which she confirmed with her eyes and for the desire to eat of the tree she never asked what will be the consequences of eating thereof and the devil never bothered to mention it. Most folks that have been duped were those that only set their eyes on the money and not on the hidden cost. Someone comes to you and said, do nothing and get all things and you with open hands without question take it. Before you know it, you’ll be in life long bondage. Those links that says just click and get ...

not an army

AM NOT AN ARMY! HE SHOUTED It was in a war torn city that a stranger came into, not knowing that his cloth was similar to the cloth worn by one of the factions of the armies fighting the second faction. When one of the faction saw him on that uniform, they thought he was of the other faction and so were aiming and shooting at him, as he ran, he was shouting, ‘am not one of them Oh, I’m not an army Oh, am just a just a passerby’ before his story was confirmed after they caught and examined him, he has been shot in his legs. Similar things happen to us when we dress they way we don’t want to be addressed; before we know it, we have become what we dress like, we have become harlots not because we were at first but because we became having dressed thus. When we dress naked or half naked or with revealing cloths, why won’t men make sexual advances, rape and harassment to us. A semi-nude girl told the guy that ask her if they can have sex ‘am not like that’ but the guy keeps askin...