Amazing Story
JOHN CARTER John carter became addicted to pornography at his teenage age and when he gave his life to Christ at his twenties, he still struggled with pornography and that made him to begin to withdraw himself from God. This is the case of several Christian folks that had backs lidded or are still backslidden, when they find it difficult to clean up an old addiction in their life, they begin to distance themselves from the Lord and go back into sin. Since they can’t become a good Christian, let them continue in their former sinful life the devil will suggest to them. You don’t withdraw a child from school because such child is finding it difficult to learn – if the child will ever learn, he will need a school to teach him. Naturally, you don’t avoid doctors because a sickness is not responding to doctor’s treatment, if you’ll ever be healed, you’ll need a doctor. Likewise you don’t withdraw from God because you have an addiction that is destroying your Christian life, ...