For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Job 3:25 Let me first take you through history of some great people you might know that were killed by their fears. You can google it if you doubt me. ARNORD SCHONBERG (composer)-fear of the number 13 (Triskaidekaphobia). He died on a Friday the 13th, 13th minutes before midnight. NATALIE WOOD (actress)-fear of water (hydrophobia). She died drowning. RICHIE VALENS (singer)-fear of airplanes (aerophobia). He died in a plane crash. Among this list is Job of the bible, every evil that happened to him were things he has been nursing the fear that they would happen. If you are afraid of car accident, then you are going to have it, if you are afraid of losing your husband, failing your paper, not making profit in your business, not marrying the right person, not marrying at all, if you fear you’ll be cheated or you are been cheated etc. then that’s how it will happen ...