
Showing posts from October 19, 2014


For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Job 3:25 Let me first take you through history of some great people you might know that were killed by their fears. You can google it if you doubt me. ARNORD SCHONBERG (composer)-fear of the number 13 (Triskaidekaphobia). He died on a Friday the 13th, 13th minutes before midnight. NATALIE WOOD (actress)-fear of water (hydrophobia). She died drowning. RICHIE VALENS (singer)-fear of airplanes (aerophobia). He died in a plane crash. Among this list is Job of the bible, every evil that happened to him were things he has been nursing the fear that they would happen. If you are afraid of car accident, then you are going to have it, if you are afraid of losing your husband, failing your paper, not making profit in your business, not marrying the right person, not marrying at all, if you fear you’ll be cheated or you are been cheated etc. then that’s how it will happen ...


You are not alone, Elijah felt same way and asked that God take away his life, Christ too before the cross had similar feeling. It is not strange to feel low at times. I had been feeling low too; got tired without actually doing anything, never want to wake up from bed perhaps the unconscious feeling that i’m not ready to face what awaits me kept me in bed. I talked to a friend and after which I felt like fighting this awful feeling, took a walk and meditated and this came to mind, perhaps I want to handle all the challenges before me at once that’s why am tired even before trying. God promises to give grace once at a time, I need not think about the whole challenges before me because God doesn’t give the whole provisions at a time (perhaps the thief might steal it from us before the time we shall seek to use it if He gave all we need for a year in a day), I only need to think about the immediate one because God supplies only for the immediate. Maybe that is why you are low ...


Few years ago God was teaching me how to perform His acts and He has promised all those that believes in Him would when Christ said, greater things shall you do. (see John 14:12) The power of God can only flow from a heart that has been connected to His heart and to connect to the heart of God your heart must be in the same frequency with His. Rats do sing but we don’t hear them sing because the frequency of their voice is different from that of our ears, there are more colors than the 7 colors our eyes can see, we can’t see the other colors because our sight is not in sync with the graphics of those colors we don’t see. So is the power of God made available for every believer, but we fail to connect to it because our heart has not properly synced with God’s heart. Every power of Christ exercised during any of His miracles came after compassions moved His heart. (God’s power flow through love expressed by compassion) Mt 9:36, Mt 14:14, Mt 18:27and Mr 1:41 To perfectly s...


I met a person that was so scared of the devil that he rather worships angels and not God just not to be at logger heads with the devil. His reason has been that when he serves God, the devil would get angry at him and comes after him. Well I told him, when you become a Christian, you graduate from the pack of the hunted of the devil to become the hunter of the devil. The life we get when we become born again is superior to the devil, it’s a life that devil cant harm or hurt or hinder from succeeding. Life outside Christ is a life inferior to that of the devil and hence all unbelievers are under the yoke of darkness. Christians that goes around seeking for deliverance from the devil are baby Christians that have not known or recognized who they are in Christ Jesus. Their problem is not that the devil is more powerful than them and he is tormenting them, the problem is that they don’t know that they are more powerful than the devil and can actually cast him out. It takes no...


A wicked rainmaker who wanted to punish a village sent Storm to attack and bring down most of the houses in that village, the government seeing what these villagers were passing through after they have lost their homes decided to build an estate for them. In the area of land the government chose to build this estate was the place the shrine of this rain maker was located, so his shrine was bulldozed and his gods struck him mad for allowing people destroy the shrine, thus the wicked rainmaker ended up making the government remember the people of this society and he also ended up destroying his shrine and himself. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 The wicked rain maker meant evil against this people but he ended up making the government remember them for good, Joseph was sold to be a slave but he ended up been a prince and a ruler. I pray for you today, that whatsoever ...

Testimonies like this makes love Jesus more.

Pastor, thank you so much, for your outreach programme, since I started getting your messages, my life has been transformed for the better, I was a person who was always depressed, & sick, & worried about my HIV status, but after I had spoken to you & started receiving voice messages everything has changed. I am worry free, I evangelize & was even called for a job 2weeks ago. thank U so much for the word that U repeatedly feed to my spirit, which has made me become stronger than ever. God bless U for the wonderful work U do. Thelma Harare, zimbabwe Does this make u love Christ? Share

Just an advice

If your would be friend doesn’t have a good memory of those is his/her past life then such friend wont have good memory with you too when you are gone. If she is always accusing his/her past friends with evil just to impress you, he/her would also castigate you before his/her next friend just to impress them. Those that gets rid of their past, would also annihilate their future. A company that doesn’t have honor books where deeds of honourable men are been recorded wont record your honourable works. A boss that doesn't speak good of his former employers wont speak good of you. Those that are loyal to their former staffs, friends, companies etc. would be loyal to you. And those that easily talk evil of their former relationships would also talk evil of yours. There is an adage in Igbo that says ‘azu onye ozu k’eji a mara azu onye’ meaning, its person’s back that it’s used to know how your back is. The way they describe other person at their absence it’s the way they wou...


Mum farms a bit and this has always been the culture of the home; we take debris and refuse from home to the farm. Sometimes mum would instruct people to give us their domestic refuse so that we can add to ours and pour on our farm. As a kid then, I never knew why and so I asked mum why and she said, so that the plants would yield fine and that we have great and healthy harvest. When you want a seed to grow up and yield great, you just don’t keep it on the soil (ground level), you rather dig deep and place it their and if you want that seed to yield even better, you have to pour debris and refuses on it. This exactly what God does to us, He first take us below the level of our mates and allow debris be poured on us (insults, abuse, rejections, shame etc.) before He grows us up. Why does He do this? Well, taking us below normal level makes us break open our potentials like sees breaks open and allowing debris pour on us makes us yield even better result. It’s because you ...