
Showing posts from August 26, 2018


One of the Rebranders noted that an average African when he gets to the top, he'll want to destroy the ladder so that only him would sit at that top. we see this when Obasanjo of Nigeria wanting a third tenure and was trying to adjust the constitution to achieve that, in Mugabe of Zimbabwe who ignored constitution and wants to rule into his 100s and to hand over to his wife, we see it in Biya of Cameroon who is still in power though his strength is failing him for old age, we see this in almost every African Nation. The average African when he sits in power would do everything within his power never to relinquish it till death. while you might be thinking of blaming only political leaders, let me draw it home. We see same trend in government staffs who keep adjusting their ages so that they'll never retire for the next generation, we see it in business people who hid their secrets so that they could monopolized enterprises and we see it in extended families where an uncle ...


Some hens were brought to our house and locked at the backyard. Every hen would feed and freely walk around while the new ones won’t dare, they will keep running away from us. The hens are so used to us that they are not scared to take food at proximity from us or walk pass right under our legs to go wherever they want to go but these set of new hens couldn’t and kept jumping around in panic whenever any member of the family gets close. This made them not to enjoy freedom like the rest of the hens. Most times it takes quite a long while before these new hens would adjust and become bold to share spaces with us and some would never learn to be at ease when we get close. One day I decided to investigate why the hens that had gotten used to us without fear do, I observed newly hatched chickens following their mother to my legs to pick food and to walk through without fear at that moment I realized that they were taught to be bold in our presence, so they grew up bold and free to get...


Jesus answered this question when He said ‘So the last shall be first, and the first last…Matt. 20:16’ Some nations and continents may be leading in terms of economy and general well being, but God has said that everyone would have his chance. The one who is first today would soon be overtaken by the one which was last.  Therefore every trailing nations has the spiritual provisions (no matter the presence or absence of mineral resources) to take the lead in the economic affairs of the world even Africa Everyone would have the opportunity to take the front role in the economic affairs of the world. Before the leading nations were overtaken, the trailing nations first had a revolution on how they were thinking. They upgraded their mentality and changed how they did things. They didn’t continued in the traditions that kept them trailing, they identified what they were either not doing or doing with the wrong attitudes and improved on them. If we must overtake the leading nations...


Three men feel inside a pit and there was no way out, so they started thinking what to do, suddenly one came with the idea that if they stand on each other that at least one of them would have the chance to escape the pit, but they all died in the pit because they couldn't resolve which of them would be on the top and which would be under. None wants to bend to carry the other to safety. 'Unless I'm the one getting out of this pit, I won't help anyone get out' was probably the dominant thought in their head. They all choose death instead of having another person get saved at the expense of their help. One of the popular emotions in Africa is 'envy'. Envy is another form of witchcraft and there is nothing that hinders progress in Africa more than envy. Nobody wants to bend for others to climb to success and when you are trying to make it by yourself, they'll pull you down. Envy looks like the normal reaction an average African feels whenever he s...


Many years ago, in Odota Illorin west, I followed some locals to swim in a stagnant river and I almost died afterwards because of the virus I had picked up from that river. I was not the only one who contracted disease from that river, most of my friends who swam the river with me also did. What made that river so dangerous to health? It was because water flows in without flowing out. When Africa keeps receiving and not giving, we’ll stink and become the most dangerous place to live in. One of our problems in Africa is because we want to get and get and get. The leaders want to get and the lead wants to get and no one wants to give. A nation is not impoverished by given; the generous soul is made fat. Africa is fast becoming the most dangerous place to live and survive on the face of the planet because Africa only thinks of getting and not giving. The Dead Sea is regarded as such because it receives water and it doesn’t release same. Africa will become a dead nation if we con...


The late Michael Jackson was black at birth and white at death. What made him spend so much to look white? What made him despise being black? It’s because we’ve been told that there is something wrong with the color black; they lied to us that we had no souls. They taught us evolution and called us monkeys, and we believed. The African child was made to feel he looks less of a human and more like the monkey. Now he believes that there is something wrong with how he looks, and he does everything to look different so that the rest of the world might accept him. Our problem in Africa is that we aren’t proud of how we look, and this has made us feel insecure of ourselves. Instead of them to seek our acceptance, we are now seeking their acceptance. While we shouldn’t insult them for lacking melanin in their skin because of their bad weather, we shouldn’t allow them to make us feel inferior, if there is anyone that is inferior, it’s not the black-man. We aren’t proud of our intonation ...


A lady lost her job because she fought with the wife of her boss. The boss had instructed her not to allow anyone to come into his office because he was working on some files, the wife of the boss came, and she tried to stop her, things flared up, and she fought with her. He boss came down from the office and fired her for not respecting his wife; she became a sales agent some other place and was fired for fighting a customer who had used abusive words on her. Her mother thinks she kept losing her job because of some ‘village people’ who doesn’t want her to succeed and help her. Instead of her mom to encourage seeking help on her temperament, she accused some spiritual force for being responsible and kept taking her from prayer house to prayer house and from one prophet to another instead of meeting a counselor who would counsel her on her anger management. The prophet house where she took her too are places filled with students who wanted to pass examinations by miracle, they want...


I was in church today; we were almost done with the Sunday school class when a woman raised the question, ‘Holy Lies’. All eyes were on me, what I’ll have to say. Another reverend minister was there, together we were to answer. Other members seem to understand what she meant, but I was lost. These are two contradictory words I said to her, please explain yourself and guess what, she picked her ground from the bible. Abraham lied therefore it’s okay to lie to protect yourself (see Gen. 12) I was lost, almost everyone rallied behind her, giving various conditions when lying could be justified. Mother lying to protect her child, husbands lying to protect the wife, workers lying to earn more money or defer their retirement age, footballers lying so that they could sign contracts and lying to safe one’s life etc. Let’s start with the scripture, Abraham lied because he thought he could protect his family, but his lies couldn’t, if not for God’s intervention, he would had lost his wif...


Why should we employ you? He looked at them for a while, before replying, I hacked into your system and invited myself. That was how he got the IT job. While others were parading their clean certificates, he paraded his skills. If you know that you can create value for a big corporation, use that value you want to sell to them to first earn for yourself. That’s the only way you can be confident of yourself and be sure of the value you want to add to the bigger corporation you seek to work for. While many are crying no jobs, entrepreneurs are worried there are no people to employ. If you studied education, start by conducting home lessons for your street kids, if you studied mass communication, do videos of yourself plying your trade and yes, whatsoever you studied, put your knowledge to use. If you are valuable you’ll attract success your way. The owner of whatsapp inc was once rejected by Facbook Corporation, but because he believes in the value he wanted to add, he went on an...