
Showing posts from January 8, 2017


LET’S KILL HER SHE SHOUTED Suddenly a woman started screaming and shouting for mercy, she was confessing that she had killed 3 of her children because her witch craft cult desired so of her. Many people gathered around her and wondering and saying several things; some said, she deserves to die, others says, she doesn’t deserve to see ‘good’ in her life, etc. The consequence of taking another person’s life is grave and whoever commits murder doesn’t deserve to live and see ‘good’ in his/her life. Life is sacred and whoever takes someone’s life in cold blood, his life will be required too. When Cain took away the life of Abel, God punished him and he became a vagabond aimlessly working to and fro the earth. A girl was busy shouting kill the witch! Kill the witch!! And I asked her why she demands a witch dies, she said, it’s because they kill people, then I replied, those that abort babies, do they deserve to die too? And she was speechless. Abortion is murdering a child in cold blood. Ca...


SHE POURED ACID ON HER UNWANTED BABY For whatsoever reason she doesn’t want to keep her baby and in seeking for means of killing and destroying the body of the  baby so that no one would detect what she did she opted to use strong acid on her baby. She took her babe to a hidden, used ear phone to block her ears from hearing the cry of the baby while she used acid on body of the baby. The baby cried but her ears are blocked, she cares more on disposing the baby than anything else in the world. The baby died and the body was grossly eaten up by those acids. This lady left the remains of the baby and fled. Few hours later after she had left someone came around there and found out what had happened, brought out the body of this baby which is now eaten up by the acid and called out those in the neighbourhood. When people came, they began cursing whoever did that to this young and innocent baby. Some says, she is a witch, some says it’s the sign of the end time, and others says she wo...


*THE DEVIL CAN'T OUTSMART GOD* You are currently facing some trials and temptation and no matter what you do you seems to be stuck in it. Don't worry, the devil cant outsmart God You live in righteousness but your pals who live in sin seems to be doing better than you. Don't worry, the devil can't outsmart God You pray and pray and whenever the answer seems near something comes and hinder it. Don't worry, the devil cant outsmart God No matter what you do, you marriage would still not work and you are getting frustrated day by day. Don't worry the devil can't outsmart God You prayed and fasted for fruitfulness yet you are still barren. Don't worry, the devil cant outsmart God You've sown seed for your financial growth and yet to see result. Don't worry, the devil cant outsmart God You kept your body and those who didn't seems to be getting married. Don't worry, the devil cant outsmart God. The christian cant never be disadvantaged ...


*Ye … have overcome them  1 John 4:4* *_You have overcome them God says_* The failures of yester-years The defeats and shame and disappointments *_You’ve overcome them God says_* The trials and temptations The devil has got his chance on you and failed Now nothing can stand on your path to oppose you or hinder you from God’s blessings and provisions and your purpose and calling You’ve overcome that marital crisis; that threat to your marital-union You’ve overcome those diseases that has stayed long and which med says has no cure; that HIV and cancer and every diseases on that list You’ve overcome that limitation and curse The inability to pay your bills and debts and have a better life *_You’ve overcome them God says._* I pray and decree in Jesus name that you’ve overcome them. God bless you Pastor Promise Ikpe


BITTERNESS CAUSED IT Bitterness (prolonged anger and jealousy) is the emotion that fosters the activities of darkness. When we are bitter, we give space to the devil to kill, steal and destroy us. Neh. 8:10 says Joy is our stronghold (defenses). Whenever you lose our joy, we lose our stronghold. When we are bitter, the devil will have access into our lives to carry about his activities, that’s why bad things happen to you during those moments when you allow bitterness to grow in your heart. Nightmares, midnight attacks, strange disease, terrible sinfulness, falling into temptation with ease and so on are as the result of bitterness. Bitterness comes when we refuse to forgive someone who hurt us, when we are jealous over the success of another person we think doesn’t deserve to be successful, when we allow the everyday upsets we get from work, the street or even in the church linger on in our heart and most times, bitterness comes without any reason, we are just bitter and can’t explai...