Bitterness (prolonged anger and jealousy) is the emotion that fosters the activities of darkness. When we are bitter, we give space to the devil to kill, steal and destroy us. Neh. 8:10 says Joy is our stronghold (defenses). Whenever you lose our joy, we lose our stronghold.
When we are bitter, the devil will have access into our lives to carry about his activities, that’s why bad things happen to you during those moments when you allow bitterness to grow in your heart.
Nightmares, midnight attacks, strange disease, terrible sinfulness, falling into temptation with ease and so on are as the result of bitterness.
Bitterness comes when we refuse to forgive someone who hurt us, when we are jealous over the success of another person we think doesn’t deserve to be successful, when we allow the everyday upsets we get from work, the street or even in the church linger on in our heart and most times, bitterness comes without any reason, we are just bitter and can’t explain why.
Whatever is the reason why you are bitter; this year wouldn’t get better for you if you continue in bitterness. Bitter things happen to bitter people and it will continue to happen to bitter people till they’ve gotten rid of all bitterness (Eph. 4:31).
The first step of getting a better life is to forgive that person you’ve vowed not to forgive, avoid jealous by telling yourself that everyone deserves better than you and guard your heart from every trace of bitterness.
And whenever you are upset and thus loose your joy, that’s the moment you should pray until you’ve felt your joy restored.
God works in the atmosphere of joy (Isaiah 12:3) and we can only enjoy the benefit of our salvation (healing, deliverance, fruitfulness, successes and breakthrough etc.) during our moment of joy.
Never lose your joy this year no matter where the upset and offense is coming from. Never be envious of any body’s success and soon you’ll be basking in your success too
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
If you need further study, visit Whatsapp +2348088062946


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