*I BROKE DOWN* January was the worse month of my life and I pray I never have a repeat of it. There were lots of pressures and disappointments and betrayals that I broke down; for weeks, I couldn’t eat, sleep or commune with God. My heart was filled with bitterness and my mouth, murmur. My joints were painful and weak, my head very heavy and I was intensely losing weight. While I will be crying and shaking, people would come and see me; they’ll call me and will be crying on the phone recounting to me their various problems and as a pastor, I’ll clean up my face and comfort them and after dropping the phone or seeing them off, I’ll start where I stopped and continue crying; I couldn’t still comfort people but not myself. I tried confession of faith, it didn’t work and whoever I tried to talk to seems not to understand the pain I was facing inside. Then one morning, I read God’s word that healed my heart and as I was doing an audio prayer with the word (Rom. 9:14; God is...