*TIME TO PLUCK THAT WHICH IS PLANTED* *To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: … A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. Eccles 3:1-2* He is a thief who covets to harvest where he hasn’t planted; she is a robber who desires to reap where she hasn’t sow Before there will be a season of harvest, there must be the season of planting and kingdom investments. As believers, we must not leave our lives to chances just like the farmer wouldn’t leave his field and seat at home and during harvest, goes to harvest. When a farmer doesn’t sow on a fertile land and tend to his plantings, thorns and thistles would be his lots likewise that believer who has hardened his heart from sowing Seed yields to their kinds, sow financial seed if you desire financial harvest. The unbeliever, who gathers without sowing in the kingdom, is gathering for the saint who sows in God’s kingdom. The riches of the gentiles would be turned over to the sai...