the danger of sleeping with another person's spouse

THE DANGER OF SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER PERSON’S SPOUSE Sleeping with married men or women is a common trend in our world today; many who call themselves believers are not exempted. When you know that a man/woman is married and you are committing immorality with him either for money or promotion, or getting grades etc. you are attracting plagues into your life. And the LORD plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram's wife. Gen 12:17 When Pharaoh took the Abraham’s wife, God plagued pharaoh and his house: the curse you are bringing on yourself for having affairs with married men or women won’t just ruin your life but that of your house. You may convince yourself that you are sleeping with married people so that you can be able to care for your household but in truth, you are destroying not just yourself but your entire household. If you love your kids, or yourself, you must stop involving yourself with married people, you’ll be attracting p...