shall never hunger
SHALL NEVER HUNGER Do you know that being connected to God grants you the life of abundance; a life devoid of hunger, thirst and want? Joh 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Christ said that whoever comes to Him shall NEVER HUNGER and he that believe in Him shall NEVER THIRST Are you a child of and you are in want of wealth, marital bliss, children, health and spiritual gifts etc. get up and reject WANT from your life, your belief in God connects you to superabundance. Glory! David understood this when He decreed that because he is connected to God as his shepherd, that he shall not want. You too have to refuse hunger, thirst and want out of life. You can walk out of the life of want by your confession of faith in God’s word. Reject ‘want, hunger and thirst’ out of your life and they’ll flee in Jesus name. From today, you shall walk in abundance in Jesus name. I...