
Showing posts from February 28, 2016

shall never hunger

SHALL NEVER HUNGER Do you know that being connected to God grants you the life of abundance; a life devoid of hunger, thirst and want? Joh 6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. Christ said that whoever comes to Him shall NEVER HUNGER and he that believe in Him shall NEVER THIRST Are you a child of and you are in want of wealth, marital bliss, children, health and spiritual gifts etc. get up and reject WANT from your life, your belief in God connects you to superabundance. Glory! David understood this when He decreed that because he is connected to God as his shepherd, that he shall not want. You too have to refuse hunger, thirst and want out of life. You can walk out of the life of want by your confession of faith in God’s word. Reject ‘want, hunger and thirst’ out of your life and they’ll flee in Jesus name. From today, you shall walk in abundance in Jesus name. I...

whatever comes in contact with Christ comes alive

WHAT EVER COMES IN CONTACT WITH CHRIST COMES ALIVE John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live To be the resurrection and life means, whatsoever He comes in contact with comes alive though it was dead. Lazarus was dead 4 days and when Christ visited his grave, the dead Lazarus resurrected from the grave. When Christ died and went to sheol, all those who believed in him that were long dead and rotten resurrected from the grave. Glory!! There is nothing too dead that Christ’s presence won’t bring back to life, nothing too rotten that His glory won’t resurrect. Halleluiah! Wherever Christ goes, life comes there; whatsoever He comes in contact with becomes alive. You come in contact with God when you believe. Do you believe? If you do, life is come on your womb and you’ll bear children. Life is come on your marriage now and you’ll begin to enjoy it. Life is coming on your finances and you...


A man signed in to be selling news papers, he sells several types of news papers, magazines and sports papers. Whenever you come to his shop, you’ll find several people there reading several papers and people thought that the way people flock around him is the way he sells but to no avail. Oneday, he complained to one of his neighbors that also sells papers that though several people will gather around his shop to read and discuss the news and that his shop is the hottest shop and talk of the town for several people always gather around it every day but none buy any paper from him as they only come read, discuss amongst themselves the news and then go away without buying any paper. After the neighbor has diligently listened to him, asked him, can you buy a book you already know its content? And he said No, then you’ll buy a book you never read before and he said yes, then he said, that’s the reason you don’t sell. When they come, you allow them read without paying for it and when th...


Sunday 13 th March 2016 TOPIC : OUR SEEDS TEXT : Mr 9:41 ¶ For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ, will by no means lose his reward. INTRODUCTIONS: Whatsoever we do to our man of God, the one God sent to teach us His word and make us grow in the spirit is like a seed. From the smallest favor to the greatest has its harvest and from the tiniest hurt to the greatest inflictions, has its multiplied punishments. QUESTIONS/DISCUSSIONS 1.     Men of God are our access into the realm of spiritual blessings ( Job 42:8, 1Sa 25:35 ): whatsoever we do to a man of God we’ve done to God; our gifts, kind gestures and even look down on the man of God because he is God’s ambassador (representative of God) in our life. Whatsoever you want to give to God for a reward, give it to your man of God (the one God has ordained for you). 2.     House of God (Mal 3:8-11): every man of God must be conne...

how to multiply deeds

HOW TO MULTIPLY DEEDS Do you know that ministers of God and righteous men serve as a spiritual earth that multiplies our deeds? What you do to the minister comes back to you in multiplied folds That’s why God told the hungry widow to first feed His prophet Elijah if she wants to conquer to lack to hunger. If you want to eat and be full, make sure God’s servant has eaten and he is full, he is your access to the spirit of harvest. If you want people give you money without telling you stories, give money to the ministers of God without telling stories why you can’t or won’t. If you don’t want people defer the favor meant for you, don’t defer the favor you intend for God’s ministers. When you plot the dead or failure or disappoint a man of God, you’ll sure reap that which you made happen in the life of the minister of God. Judas Iscariot will explain better to you. Mr 9:41 ¶ For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ,...

don't marry this man

DON’T MARRY THIS MAN The man who doesn’t depend on God for righteousness is the man you can’t trust his fidelity because sooner rather than latter, he’ll begin to cheat on you. Love doesn’t stop cheating, the fear of God does. The man who doesn’t depend on God for finance is the man who sooner will become broke in life, because wealth not gotten in God doesn’t last long. Hard work doesn’t make one stay rich, God’s grace does The man who doesn’t depend of God for wisdom is the man who will wrongly handle and misunderstand and mistreat you. Its only God’s wisdom that can make a man properly handles his woman. The man that God is not is head cannot be a good head to you. The man who marries you and treats you in the way he must give account to God his head is that man who will treat you well because he won’t want to fail during divine assessments. If God is not your head, you can’t be a head of a home; you can’t be the head of your wife. It’s only those God is leading that ca...


FOR THOSE JOINED IN THE FAST (day 3) Exodus 14:15-16 ¶ The LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. Lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the people of Israel may go on dry ground through the sea. When Moses had finished declaring his confidence in God, God responded with the phrase ‘go forward’. Though the sea is still before them yet God said go forward. Despite the hindrance, don’t stop God says, despite the wall before you, don’t discontinue. Halleluiah! Though the road still look block yet don’t wait till the road is now through, keep getting closer to the wall not in fear but in confidence in God who makes way where there seems to be no way. You want to travel, though no money, yet, if you’ve prayed and declared your confidence in the ability of God to transport you, don’t wait till there is transport fare, ‘move forward’. If you’ve asked God for children and yet no sign of pregnancy...


FOR THOSE JOINED IN THE FAST (day 2) And Moses said to the people, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again Moses was specific when he declared to the voice of murmuring and doubt that was ragging to his ear. You must silence the voice of doubt and murmuring in your spirit. First he said: If he stands firm and fears not he’ll see the salvation of the Lord: when we stand firm in our confidence in the Lord no matter how ragging the situation may be, if we do not allow tension, anxiety and fear take over our thinking and behavior then we’ll shall see the salvation of the Lord. Today’s prayer is (a) praying and speaking against the spirit of fear and lack of confidence in the Lord. Secondly he said: Moses declared that he won’t need to deal with the issue of Egypt again: he has just repeated dealt (ten times with ten plagues) with the Egyptians before the d...