how to multiply deeds

Do you know that ministers of God and righteous men serve as a spiritual earth that multiplies our deeds? What you do to the minister comes back to you in multiplied folds
That’s why God told the hungry widow to first feed His prophet Elijah if she wants to conquer to lack to hunger. If you want to eat and be full, make sure God’s servant has eaten and he is full, he is your access to the spirit of harvest.
If you want people give you money without telling you stories, give money to the ministers of God without telling stories why you can’t or won’t.
If you don’t want people defer the favor meant for you, don’t defer the favor you intend for God’s ministers.
When you plot the dead or failure or disappoint a man of God, you’ll sure reap that which you made happen in the life of the minister of God. Judas Iscariot will explain better to you.
Mr 9:41 ¶ For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ, will by no means lose his reward.
Even if you are careful to give sweet water, God will make sure you get your harvest of waters and if you give bitter water, God will ensure you get your reward of bitter waters.
For all those in the habit of causing grief and sorrow to men of God, you’ve signed your death contract. If you’ve betrayed a man of God, betrayal awaits you from all angles unless such man of God prays for you. If you cause a man of God to sin, your fall will be without mercy.
And for all those put smiles in the face of men of God, a multiplied reward of that which you’ve done to the man of God is coming on you.
Life treats you the way you treat the man of God whom God has sent into your life.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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