
Showing posts from March 22, 2015


He asked me, when is the right time that I should marry and how to I do I recognize who to marry? In reply I said, the first man was first a gardener, the very thing God wants him to be and be doing, yes, you must first be the man God wants you to be by doing the work He wants you to do in life or be pursing the vision He has given you to pursue. Have a direction in destiny and be pursuing such destiny. Mandela?s first wife left him because Mandela married her before he discovered his destiny in life; a liberator that is ready to give up all for his ideas of freedom. His first wife was against him taking risks everyday for the people of South-Africa, she wants him home always but the lady he married when he was now pronounced as a liberator who is ready to give up all supported his vision and joined him. When you marry when you?ve not discovered yourself and passions and visions in life, when you marry when you?ve not started pursing your identity in life, you?ll marry the wrong wife ...


Someone asked me one day, why does a faithful child of God face closed doors and he shared the story of a girl that kept herself as a virgin till she got married only not to be able to have kids after marriage. That all her mates that were promiscuous during their single days that got married all have kids only this one that had respected God and kept her body that is still barren. Why is it so? I looked at him and said, Christ did all the will of God, died and resurrected and was perfect but when it was time for Him to join God in glory, the doors(the bible called these doors ancient and everlasting doors) where shut against Him. The Doors were closed against Christ from receiving the reward from God after He has come on earth to do the will of God and to finish God?s work. If doors were closed against Christ, then we shouldn?t expect less. Your question should rather be, what should a child of God do when doors are shut against him? Then my reply would had b...


I went out to buy roasted corn this evening when I noticed what the woman that sells me corn does. She occasionally give out free corns to costumers that comes later in the day to buy from her corn, I never knew why she does this before now, any corn she couldn?t sell on the day she roasted or boiled it, she won?t be able to sell it the next day so instead of wasting it like her fellow corn sellers, she would give it out free to win more costumers, that was how she won me over to be patronizing her. It is wisdom to give out what you can?t keep without it spoiling to win favours. This woman gives out any remaining corn because by keeping if over night the corn will spoil. Those stingy women that won?t give out their remaining corn would neither get more costumers nor their corns. Can you keep your life if death comes today? Drugs can?t heal when its death, money can?t save when your life is been demanded for. The best doctors die and their drugs couldn?t heal them, the best drivers d...


The sex was good she told her friends, he has money and he is an expert in it, he also gave me a lot of money she continue but after her friends are gone, she began to think if the girl that saw her in the hotel while going in with the man knew the wife of the man, she began to think if she got infection or pregnancy when she remembers that moment when the condom broke. She was wondering when she prays if her prayers would be answered, she is also afraid of what would happen if her other boy friend finds out that she is sleeping with another man, she also thought about the time she would be married, if her husband too would be secretly seeing another woman as she is seeing another woman?s husband now, she thought of her unborn daughter trying to live her kind of life and the pain it might bring her, then she hope Christ won?t come now that she is having an immoral affair, she doesn?t want to go to hell. She just had sex; she just experienced the pleasure of intercourse but with guilt...