He asked me, when is the right time that I should marry and how to I do I recognize who to marry? In reply I said, the first man was first a gardener, the very thing God wants him to be and be doing, yes, you must first be the man God wants you to be by doing the work He wants you to do in life or be pursing the vision He has given you to pursue. Have a direction in destiny and be pursuing such destiny. Mandela?s first wife left him because Mandela married her before he discovered his destiny in life; a liberator that is ready to give up all for his ideas of freedom. His first wife was against him taking risks everyday for the people of South-Africa, she wants him home always but the lady he married when he was now pronounced as a liberator who is ready to give up all supported his vision and joined him. When you marry when you?ve not discovered yourself and passions and visions in life, when you marry when you?ve not started pursing your identity in life, you?ll marry the wrong wife ...