WHEN THE ANSWER HASN'T COME I've seen several people wait on the Lord for a very long time for their salvation, people like Hannah who faced insult and reproach over and over again because she couldn't bear a child, people like Abraham who waited 25yrs on God to answer his desire for a child, people like some of you who have waited long and are still waiting on God for your marriages, breakthroughs, healings and fruitfulness etc. ...more is the children of the desolate...Isai ah 54:1 For those who have waited longer on God for His intervention in their lives the Bible says, 'more is your children', yes, greatly abundant is your blessings. Abraham gave birth to Isaac (the son that became a nation in a very short time) Hannah gave birth to Samuel (one of the greatest judges/prophets Israel ever had) Manoah's wife gave birth to Sampson (the strongest man in history) All those who waited long in the scriptures for children got extraordinary ones, yes ...