Mr. Okon would always boast that he is a disciplinarian and doesn't take nonsense with any kids. That he knows how to enforce the children to obey him and for a very long while he thought he was doing well. The daughters are always home, they never stay out late, they don't visit friends and they are always doing what their father said until one day, one of them got pregnant. Who made you pregnant the father asked, with 'koboko' whip in his hands, 'it's you' she replied and the man was shocked. The daughter was so adamant not to reveal the true identity of the person who impregnated her, later it was discovered that she had slept with many men so she couldn't pine-point which exactly was responsible so she accused her father. She said, her father never allow her to go out and has never caught her outside without a tangible reason therefore its only plausible that its him who is responsible over her pregnancy. This is an example of what happens ...