FAITHFUL AND TRUE And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true... Rev. 22:6 The only way the devil destroys our faith and hope in God is by making us doubt His word; that was how he got Eve to sin in Genesis. Once we doubt His word, we’ll sin without regards to its consequences, we’ll pray without believing in the answers, in summary, we’ll become godless, only our belly and carnal desires would become our god. Our text says, God’s words is faithful and true; whatsoever that is written in the word concerning individuals, peoples or nations will all come to pass. Every jot of its prophecies concerning believers and the ungodly will all come to pass. Every prophecy written about individuals like Abraham becoming a father of nations even though he was barren till he was 100 of age, came to pass, that which was written about the one who would betray Jesus came to pass in the life of Judas, the destiny of Israel as a nation as determined by the scriptures some t...