the moment
THE MOMENTS YOUR REALIZE What would you do if you realize that all the powers of darkness working against you have been defeated and the curses working contrary to God?s purposes in your life have been taken away? What would you do if you realize that that which causes you sicknesses and disease is no more? What would you do if you know that the powers of the wicked working against your life are no more? What would you do if you realize that the power causing you to sin has been defeated? For me, I?ll set goals and achieve if, big goals because there nothing out there powerful enough to stop me. For me, I?ll get up from my sick bed and walk in health, never accepting diseases and sicknesses no more. For me, I?ll reject the life of hardship and want and frustrations and walk in prosperity. For me, I?ll reject the life of sin and unrighteousness and walk in Holiness. Truly Christ has taken away the bottleneck, yes; He has taken away the power of darkness that?s work against your...