side with the word

*SIDE WITH THE WORD* Some years back I was afflicted by sickness by the devil: My head was aching, high fever, general weakness, lost of appetite etc It was Sunday, I had to preach in my church. One of my pastors came to my bedside and asked, how will the service go and I replied,' no changes, I'm preaching' He helped me up, I couldn't bath because I could barely walk so I cleaned up and he helped me get to church. I couldn't, join in the fellowship as I lay down watching them worship God. When it was time to preach I opened to Isaiah 53:5 '*...with his stripes we are healed'* and with my frail voice, I preached how Christ had healed us on His cross and how we shouldn't be sick. The devil was telling me that I was wrong and using my then health challenge as his fact. But I wouldn't allow him make me side with my sick feelings over God's word. I may not looked like the healed of the Lord according to the bible, but I'll rather side wit...