You always have a bad opinion of people, you are very suspicious of them being vile and evil. You only have a bad report to give about those around you. What you see in people would soon become evident in you, that is why those who see everyone as being wicked turn-out to be wicked themselves and those who see others as being good turn out good themselves. If you are found of discussing the evil in people, soon that evil you see in them would become evident in you See good in people, There is something Good in people if there is not, God won't say after creation that what He created was Good. Yes, people can be vile and evil, but lay hold of the good and excellent in them and when you have to discuss those people, discuss the aspect of them that are good and comely and ignore those that aren't. The more you discuss the good and comely in people, the more you multiply that goodness and the more you talk about the evil and the vile the more, you multiply it. Find out ...