
Showing posts from October 21, 2018


Many years ago, after I failed to get the required grade to do science, I had another opportunity. Our class principal had announced that whoever failed to get the required grade to do science can still do sciences if he passes the next exam he'll be setting. One day he came to class and started writing out various formulae and while he was writing them on the board, he kept insisting that we must memorize those formulae if we want to do sciences. When the formulae were getting too much, many started leaving the class. Not knowing exactly what our principal had in mind insisting we memorize all these formulae before we can have the chance to do sciences was too incredible to believe. The only reason I didn't leave the class was just because as I look at his head I told myself, if all these formulae has found space in his head, they would also find a space in mine. Later when he turned to see that the number of students had greatly reduced, he told those remaining, 'congra...


Two friends squatting together had different business ideas and both of them did not have capital. They went their separate ways, after about 2 years, one of them saw the other doing that business he has planned and shared with him 2 years ago. How did you get the capital he asked? I wrote down my business plan, valued it and broke down the value into units and went around looking for those who would buy the units from me. They questioned me about the profitability of the business and when I was able to convince them few people saw what I was seeing and bought the units thereby providing me with the capital that I needed for the business.  What about you? Were you able to start your business as planned? No, I didn't know what to do to raise the capital but I think I know exactly what to do now. Within 6 months, he too had set up his business after doing similar thing his friend had done. When you have a genuine business plan born out of the need to provide a need goods or servic...


STRENGTHENING THE POOR 23 A farmer once observed that his rice farm yields by up to 10% after he introduced small fish into his farm. Further study reveals that the fish feeds on insects that come to feed on the rice, the fish with their droppings provide fertilizers for the rice and help to circulate oxygen around the rice field. The rice farm in-turn protects the fish by making it difficult for birds to locate the fish inside the dense rice farm. The fish does well as the rice farm. When others are succeeding in their dreams, ours becomes easier. The best way to succeed is to make others a success. The poor man has a record of bringing others down, he is envious at seeing others make it in life, and he secretly or openly loath successful people. meanwhile, successful men have a record of helping others become successes in life, he admires success and is a fan to successful people. Like the rice and fish relationship, likewise in life, when one is doing well, it makes the other t...


STRENGTHENING THE POOR 24 Some roads got eroded because of flood, the erosion damaged the road so badly that it was difficult to pass through. Many kept blaming the government for irresponsibility but someone gathered some group of friends, who went and fixed the road and tasks people petty sums to use the road. People were grateful that they could now use the road again, and they never bothered for the little sum they had to pay to use the road. Thousands of people use the road every morning and evening and these boys made lots of monies from providing such simple service. The wealthy man is that man who identifies a problem and tasks himself about solving it while the poor man identifies a problems and tries to apportion blames to whoever he thinks is responsible for the problem, he doesn't know that every problem he identifies is an opportunity for him to create solution to that problem (values) that'll attract wealth and make him relevant. For you to identify a problem...


Two friends were selling the same quality of shoes at the same price.  One sells well,  while the other kept getting complaints that his shoes are too costly. One day he asked his friend what's the secret for the success of his sales? His friend invited him to seat at his sales outlet and observe him. While he was with him, he observed that, he wrote 200 on the shoes and cancels it rewriting it 100 on it. so when customers come, he tells them that the price of the shoe is 200 because of its quality, but he'll sell 100 because he is doing a clearance sales. More people buy without complaining that 100 is too much. So you tell them the shoe is worth 200 but you've for whatsoever reason want to sell it 100 to them? His friend replied, yes, and they'll be very grateful for buying the shoe that they want at 100 just because I've learnt how to sell to them. His friend added, I kept attending seminars on marketing, it was one of those seminars that I learned this. His fr...