Our duties to God first reflect in our duties to our home. We must first learn to care for our nuclear and extended family before going to the society. It’s wrong for the society to know you as a generous/holy/anointed etc. person when the immediate members of your nuclear or extended family have never enjoyed generosity/holiness/God’s grace etc. from you. Charity they say begins at home; love, care, attention etc. should also begin at home. Before taking out what you have, first give to the immediate family. Christ during the miracle of the bread first gave to his apostles and then the multitudes, yes, begin your orphanage care from your home, village, community and then the rest of the world as the Lord leads. 1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. If you can’t provide for your own people, even when you think you are feeding the world, then you have denied the faith and...