
Showing posts from October 26, 2014


Our duties to God first reflect in our duties to our home. We must first learn to care for our nuclear and extended family before going to the society. It’s wrong for the society to know you as a generous/holy/anointed etc. person when the immediate members of your nuclear or extended family have never enjoyed generosity/holiness/God’s grace etc. from you. Charity they say begins at home; love, care, attention etc. should also begin at home. Before taking out what you have, first give to the immediate family. Christ during the miracle of the bread first gave to his apostles and then the multitudes, yes, begin your orphanage care from your home, village, community and then the rest of the world as the Lord leads. 1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. If you can’t provide for your own people, even when you think you are feeding the world, then you have denied the faith and...


Mum said it’s a perfect birthday because I was born on a Friday of 31 Oct. And today is Friday. Dad had returned home with his salary because it was his payday and there was much to eat and celebrate with. I grew up shy and reserved, I grew up thinking as a parent while I was still a kid. I thought of what to eat, how to pay my school fees, how to care for mum and siblings; I don’t tell mum that I have pay school fees or eat, I rather want to find the school fees myself and pay and so I was really hard working. Every body in the neighborhood loved me because of the sense of responsibility that I exhibited. As a kid I had issues with anger, as a teen couldn’t talk to women because I do think they can’t love, I was wild and strong (climb the tallest trees just to proof to people there is no tree I cant climb, any kid then that saw any tree that looks challenging to climb would come and call me and the rest kids would gather to know if I can climb it.). I grew up learning perseve...


Sex is more a mental activity than it’s a physical one, if the sex hormones are not stirred through the mind having received sensations via sight or touches the body wouldn't respond to sexuality. So whatsoever you do to make people engage in sex in their heart and mind is immorality. A city was burned down because a little boy while playing with a match stick scratched the match against a hard surface and it lighted and when he panickly threw it away, he threw it into some dry grasses and thus the fire that burned down the entire city erupted. Little show of the breast, slight display of the buttock, unimportant show of the laps, small show of the chest, slight touching of someone’s sensitive body parts etc. can be the trigger to the immoral life that would lead that person to hell. Christ warns that whoever that leads someone into temptation won’t be guitles of sin him/herself. You dressed and all your laps and boobs are showing, you dress in tight cloths, you kept i...


For everything our hands shall need in other to handle all the responsibilities of life has been planted in our heart. God placed the seed of greatest in all of us all, the reason we aren’t great is because we never believed and invested in that seed. When we allow the society give us another seed to invest in thereby neglecting the original seed of God’s provision for us, we cut down on all that God intends for us to have on earth. E.g. if its in your heart to sing music, all the provisions God wants for you would only come through investing in that music passion in you, if its in your heart to do business, all the provisions of God would come through such business etc. don’t live the society’s dream of you because the society never brought you to this world, live God’s dream of you. How do I know what God wants me to do? It’s simple, that which gives you joy and enthusiasm when doing, that which whether you are paid for doing it or not, you still would do it. That which, you...


After posting about ‘confusion destroys destinies’, one of my reader inboxed me this story. She said, there was a girl that was in school with her, the guy she was dating wants to marry a nurse so she left her university education in her 2 level to do Nursing in a Nursing school, well, she got rusticated from the Nursing school (perhaps Nursing is not her thing) and the guy she dropped her university education for Nursing went ahead to marry another girl that deed Nursing. She is now confused and empty handed, she neither has her university education, a nursing certificate or the guy she was trying to live her life and change her career for. This is what happens when we try to live our lives for others. Whoever that wont want you for who you are and what you love doing is not meant for you. Don’t give up on your passion for anybody if not you’ll forever subject yourself to life long of uselessness and work unhappiness. When loving someone deprives you of being who you are; d...