sinning with ease
WHY DO I SIN WITH EASE? Have you wondered why we find it very easy to lie, use vulgar words, commit immoralities, cheat, masturbate and commit various sins without remorse? And why to study God’s word, evangelize, pray and live without sinning look so difficult to achieve? When your name is in the book of life, it would reflect in your life here on earth; you’ll be known for living in righteousness, evangelizing and devoted towards the things of God. And when your name is not in the book of life it would also reflect in your life; you’ll be masturbating, committing various forms of immoralities with ease, distancing yourself from a holy preaching church, lying, alcoholic, homosexual; gay and lesbianism and other forms of ungodly living will be manifest in you. We sin with ease because we still got the nature of sin in us and those with the nature of sin are those whose names are not in the book of life but we can surrender our lives to God today and allow Him save us from the ...