
Showing posts from February 7, 2016


TESTIMONY: SUCCESSFUL PRESENTATION AND LAUNCHING OF “ WISDOMS FOR ESTHERS ” Today being the 13 th of Feb 2016 the book ‘WISDOMS FOR ESTHERS’ was launched not without challenges though. The manuscript was stolen alongside its backup last year, which caused the delay in its presentation which was supposed to had been on the 27 th of Sept. 2015 I was locked up for 30 days where I rewrote it, thanks to Vincent Manjera who God used to reignited the passion While running for the printing, I was hit by a tricycle, my phone mysteriously lost contacts of only those who should be involved in the printing process, the production manager lost his phone (he needed the phone then to stay in communication with me), the money that was budgeted for the printing wasn’t released till now, the printers made a huge error and had to reprint (in fact someone is still in police custody over this book though I’ve requested for his release) but in all these, WISDOMS FOR ESTHERS has being published ...

this might be your story too

THIS MIGHT BE YOUR STORY TOO His name is Chisom, aged, 19, challenge: addicted to pornography and always indoor watching pornography and masturbating. He belongs to whatsapp and facebook groups where pornographic pictures are being explored. Where does this life style lead too: it lead to curse ’Gen 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father’. Ham brought curse upon his son Canaan because he was pornographic, while he looked on and laughed at the nakedness of an adult, his brothers closed their eyes against seeing the nakedness of an adult. (Gen 9:22) If you are addicted to pornography, delighting yourself in seeing the nakedness of others, you are bringing curse on yourself and children. Her name is Mary, aged 22, challenge: easily seduced by men. She has been taken to bed by different men and though she is not very comfortable with this lifestyle at the beginning but because of her friends, she has suddenly begun to enjoy it, at least, that’s what sh...

You are not inferior to anyone

Whoever believes in Christ is not inferior to anyone in anyway. No one is more anointed than you None is more intelligent than you None is more favored than you None is more loved than you None is more acceptable than you None is more beautiful than you Etc. And do you know why? Because God has exalted you to be equal in rank with Christ. If none is more superior to Christ, none is superior to you by anyway. If others are doing better than you, it doesn't mean that they are more privileged and better than you, they've just learnt how to exploit God's provisions for themselves than you (like a blackberry phone might be used for whasapp, pinging, games,Google maps and calls etc.: someone may be using his blackberry only to receive calls while the other is using all it's other function. But same blackberry and potentials. The blackberry that's been exploited to do more its still same with the one that's only used to receive calls) Rom 8:17... says we a...

living by thy feelings

LIVING BY THY FEELINGS Eve fell because the fruit was pleasant to the sight and Samuel almost anointed the wrong person as king because he looks kingly if not for divine intervention. David the ordained one didn't look kingly, Samuel almost made a mistake. Are you about to make mistake in thy choice; you are chosing base on outward comeliness? Isaac loved Esau because he eats of his hunts not because Esau was the ordained of the Lord to inherited the blessings of Abraham. Are you chosing because of the material benefits you are getting? Bribe blinds the mind. Don't collect from someone you can't oblige yourself to. We shouldn't make choice base on our sensual feeling even in science, you don't determine temperature with your hands because its unreliable. Divorce are everywhere because people are marrying base on wealth, social class, education and other physical benefits. Scams are everywhere because we don't analize business proposals, we just invest...


A married man left his city for a business in another city and when he was done with the business checked into a hotel and took some drinks and paid for sex. After paying for sex he was told to wait as the only available woman is servicing another man, so this man took some more drink and waited. Finally the only available harlot came to his service and when she came into the room where he is, to her dismay, he is her husband. When the man saw her, he felt so disappointed and landed on her beating her up. It’s easy to require morality from others when we ourselves are immoral. Most girls that dress nude and looks terrible want a god-fearing man and most men that are armed robbers and drug-pushers and faithless also desire a god-fearing and faithful woman; the man in our story wants a faithful wife while he is adulterous. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pu...


THE MINISTERS CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LESSONS FOR 2016 Sunday 14 th Feb. 2016 TOPIC: HELL FIRE AND LAKE OF FIRE TEXT: Mt 25:30 'And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'           INTRODUCTION The word hades or shoel means the land of the dead but when you read the bible use the word ‘hell’ it denotes the state of the dead in shoel or hades or land of the dead. Christ often used hell because it explains more the presence of suffering. The experience of the rich man in the story of Lazarus perfectly explained the state sinners are in hell.  Is hell fire same as lake of fire?           Questions/discussions 1.     What is lake of fire? Re 20:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Lake of fire is the final place of torment that God would cast everyone who ...

woos a girl and sleeps with her

WOOS A GIRL AND SLEEPS WITH HER He is a normal young boy who is living his life like every other person of his days; woos a girl and sleep with her, find another girl and repeats same, comes home, joins in vulgar chats with his fellows, watch porn and talks about his sex-stories with his mate, visits the bar, takes beer, goes to party and repeats the circle of activities over and over again. Because of the ways he has decided to live his life, he doesn’t engage in Jesus talks, he doesn’t want anything to discourage him from his way of life till one day his bosom friend who shares the same life style dies, and then the thought of death was impressed in his mind and he said to himself, what would happen after I die? And this is my answer to him and all those in similar path that you’ll be standing before God to give account of what you did in your flesh. ‘…For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ’ Romans 14:10 If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and savior ...

the style of the devil

THE STYLE OF THE DEVIL If you know what means the devil uses to steal, kill and destroy God’s children, you’ll be able to resist him to the uttermost. Christ revealed the way the devil uses and how ineffective such ways are to His children (sheep). John 10:8 "All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, BUT THE SHEEP DID NOT HEAR THEM” The devil attacks by telling things God’s word didn’t approve or confirm The devil tells you that certain diseases are incurable like HIV and cancer etc. therefore you can’t be healed etc. but God’s word says, by His stripes Christ healed ALL (every kind of disease and sicknesses) of our infirmities. The devil tells you that you are in his bondage but God’s word says, you’ve been delivered from the bondage of darkness, if there is anyone who is in bondage, it’s the devil. (See Col. 1:13) The devil tells you that you shall die but God’s word says ‘…Because I live, you will live also (John 14:19) The devil quickly comes to tel...

i'll never do that

I’LL NEVER DO THAT We were walking down the street when we met a nudely dressed young girl walking the opposite direction, and she commented, this girl used to be a decent church girl till she got admissions into the university, and now she has compromised on her decency and perhaps love for God. I looked at her and alleged, won’t you do same when you change into the university environment and without thinking she replied ‘I’ll never do that’. She now got admissions into the university and for two years I never set my eyes on her till the day I did, and for the first 30 minutes I couldn’t recognized her, she too like the girl she condemned before me who had compromised on her decency and perhaps love for God. She now dressed like the attire of the harlot. School environment influenced her also. Adam and Eve sew for themselves fig leaves for dressing and when God came around, they hid themselves (Gen. 3:6-7) but God wouldn’t accept nude dressing from His children whether in the h...

how to conquer bad habit

HOW TO CONQUER BAD HABIT I heard people organizing programs for drug addicts in order to help them overcome their drug addictions, doing programs to help certain people get rid of anger, sex addiction etc. but they’ll keep failing because there is only one way to curb the problem of sin and sinful addictions and that means is Christ. “Mt 1:21 she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." Jesus Christ is the only means God has ordained to deal with the problem of sin; no psychologist can help, no program or seminar or workshop, or body disciplining but only Christ. Do you have any issue of bad habit you’ll need to deal with; smoking, drugs, sex addictions, anger, greed, and lying etc. you need Christ because He is the only cure for sin. Only Christ would save us from the problem of sin. We have no excuse to continue in sin, not after God has sent Christ deal with the problem of sin. Don’t continue in that sinful hab...