i'll never do that

We were walking down the street when we met a nudely dressed young girl walking the opposite direction, and she commented, this girl used to be a decent church girl till she got admissions into the university, and now she has compromised on her decency and perhaps love for God. I looked at her and alleged, won’t you do same when you change into the university environment and without thinking she replied ‘I’ll never do that’.
She now got admissions into the university and for two years I never set my eyes on her till the day I did, and for the first 30 minutes I couldn’t recognized her, she too like the girl she condemned before me who had compromised on her decency and perhaps love for God. She now dressed like the attire of the harlot. School environment influenced her also.
Adam and Eve sew for themselves fig leaves for dressing and when God came around, they hid themselves (Gen. 3:6-7) but God wouldn’t accept nude dressing from His children whether in the hiding or in His presence, He tailored for them a coat covering them properly (Gen 3:21).
The world dresses in the very opposite of how God has intended for we his children, if you are God’s child, make sure you aren’t compromising your decency in dressing to suite the world with its affections.
The world dress with fig leaves (partly covering their bodies and partly exposing same) while God’s dress code is well covering our bodies (Gen. 3:21)
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (NKJV)
The world has been set on motion by the devil to make you compromise on scriptural standards of dressing, modesty and manners of life; it’s up to you to uphold or compromise on God’s standard.
Can you boldly say ‘Others may compromise, but I shan’t’
Never follow the multitude to sin
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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