After a program back in Nigeria early last year, a woman met me by the car and wants me pray for her conception, since she had a first son, having another has been difficult. As I was about to pray for her, I told her she is now pregnant by the word of God (Ex 23:26).
After few days, she called to say, she went for medical test and the report isn’t so, and I replied, God is far above medical science, she said ‘amen’.
She went for test again after few more days and the result was negative and she called and told me its negative, I laughed and said, Doc’s of these days are so blind, they see things late. She was surprised at my reply.
She went for the third test after few more days, and result was still negative but this time, she told herself, I am pregnant because God has said so and by that she rejected the doctor’s report of negativity and thus the fourth test announced itself; an experienced mother asked her, are you pregnant? Instead of saying no according to the doc, she said yes, according to God. Her daughter I dedicated last before I left Nigeria few months ago.
... who hath believed (God’s) report? Jn 12:38
The word of God becomes active only when believed (Rom. 1:16 ¶ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that BELIEVETH...), this lady became pregnant the day she replied am pregnant though all medical test said negative to the fact.
The devil is out there trying to create doubt toward God’s word, when God says something about you; the word won’t come to pass till you believe it because its salvation only to those who believe and the devil would use your sense, the medical reports, comments from people and happenings in the society to make you doubt the word of God. It’s now you who chose what to believe, whether the word of God or all the evidence of doubt the devil would be bringing by your door step once you are closer to a miracle. Not until you believe God’s report, His power won’t be made available for your salvation.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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