Lesson 1:

Qualification before joining the ministry (1Tim. 3:1-13):
1.    Salvation; salvation is the purpose of ministry, if you are not saved, you can’t bring others to salvation; you can only give what you’ve received, you can only describe what you’ve tasted. Unless you know God, you can’t make others do same. Except you are born again, you can’t work for the kingdom of God Jn 1:3 (paraphrased). Before you are can minister in house of God you must be born again (Jn 1:10)
2.    If you are single: you mustn’t entangle yourself into any relationship till you are ready to marry. You can’t give God your whole time if you are falling in love and thinking of the one you are in love with always. (don’t awake Love till its time Song 2:7)
3.    If you are married; you mustn’t divorce, marry more than one wife, and marry a divorced spouse whose spouse is still alive. You must be able to keep your home because if you can’t keep your home you won’t be able to handle the work of God.
4.    You mustn’t give yourself to alcoholism or excessive eating (gluttony), your spirituality depends so much on how you discipline your body and eating.
5.    You must be humble (gentleness); proud men can’t do God’s word because it requires enduring persecution, false accusations, neglect, un-appreciation etc.  The day pride is found in you, your growth in ministry will be stopped by God Himself (1Pe 5:5). Submit to your seniors in ministry even if you think you are more gifted or more righteous than them.
6.    Mustn’t be secretive; when you sin, don’t hide it, confess and forsake it, a great minister of God isn’t the one who doesn’t fall into sin at certain times but he who is wise enough to confess such sin and forsake it. The sin you hide will be your greatest undoing as God’s minister.
7.    Mustn’t be into immorality: nothing annihilates a minister of the gospel than immorality (1Cor. 3:17); it opens you up to be possessed by evil spirit that may continue to operate in you as an angel of light.
8.    Mustn’t be violent: like dove you shall conduct yourself, let it never be heard that you pick a brawl with someone (Mt 11:29, 1Th 2:7)
9.    Mustn’t be covetous: you must separate yourself from the money of the ministry or church. Take only what’s your right and never desire beyond it. Covetousness made an angel the devil he is today, be contented with what God has given you and never desire more (increase by labor and not by rewards, increase by sowing more seeds and not by desiring more harvest)
10.                       You mustn’t be a talkative; talk when necessary and keep to your words. Those who talk less honors their words, if you can honor your words, ministry would be easier for you (Mt 5:37). 
11.                       You must be accountable: you must be ready to give account of your labor before those you are working with, whether you are a founder or an usher. You owe those you are working with accountability; you must explain your attitude to them if you behave badly because you owe them righteous living and also owe them financial fidelity; ministry money is not yours even if you are the founder of the ministry. 1Sam. 12:1-5


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