Whoever that is not faithful to God can’t be faithful to men, whether as an employer or employee, whether as a husband or a wife, whether as a king or servant, whether as a maid or mistress etc.
He won’t be faithful not because he may not have the intentions to be faithful but because ‘Jer 10:23 ...the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps’
No man is directly incharge of himself therefore he can’t boast to be faithful because he is just a puppet to whomever he has committed himself to, whether to God or the flesh. Whoever that hasn’t committed his life to God is by default the slave of the devil and his flesh. He does what he doesn’t want to do because he has no power over his body.
If God that provides a way out of temptation for every temptation (1Co 10:13) is absent in one’s life, such man cant be faithful. When God is not there, there won’t be anyone to provide the way out whenever there is a temptation not to be faithful.
When the bible warns that you don’t partner with the ungodly (2Cor. 6:14) in business ventures, you shouldn’t marry the unbelieving, you shouldn’t join yourself with sinners in any kind of association that requires moral commitments its because whomever has not found a higher reason to be faithful to you as you are faithful to him/her wont be faithful to you.
If some believers cheats, how much more unbelievers; am not surprise if am told that an unbelieving spouse is cheating, or a servant is stealing from his master, or a master is withholding the right of the servant etc. because unless we are faithful to God, we can’t be faithful to our fellow men.
If you already in a relationship with with an unbeliever either as a business partner, by marriage, servant/boss relationship etc., if the relationship is under your control, except for marriage, break out or begin to pray for the salvation of that person. Its only when they are committed to God that they would be sincerely committed to you.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpes
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