How to know genuine intention in a new relationship
*HOW TO KNOW THE INTENTION OF A NEW GUY* She wrote asking, how do I know if his intentions are real and if he'll be committed? Without thinking much I responded, 'he won't start by telling you how deep he loves you because he knows that loving a lady comes with commitment, so he'll want to know you well enough to know if he can commit himself to his love for you' he won't start by saying 'I'll marry you or I love you' he may start with 'I like you, I admire you etc.' and would be interested in listening to you deeply when you are sharing anything about yourself. He'll go behind you to ask for anything he needed clearance concerning. And as he grows in knowing you, his love for you would grow and his way of expressing it would be getting stronger and stronger. While men with real intention starts slow, most men with false intentions have already composed sweet words for your listening pleasure. Men with real intentions are not quic...