Nothing torments someone more than his thoughts; the man’s thought is his greatest weapon for breaking out of poverty. No man is richer than his thoughts.
The thought that dominates the poor man manifests to him in his day to day experiences. What he thinks becomes what he says and what he says becomes his daily experiences.
Men are poor because they think poor and see themselves like grasshoppers. The image they see of themselves becomes the image they portray of themselves and people relate to them base on such image.
When big opportunities come to them, they won’t grasp it because in their head they don’t believe it’s theirs for the taking.
When a man is limited by his thoughts, challenges would look bigger before him than opportunities. He’ll keep talking about why things are hard for him, why he can’t make it and reasons prosperity isn’t for him.
To help the poor, inspire him to dream big, tell him nothing is too difficult and no challenge is too hard for him to overcome. Magnify opportunities to him and encourage him not to think of his limitations.
Let him write out lofty dreams and let him say it to himself daily that he can achieve those dreams. When he speaks out lofty dream soon, those grasshopper thoughts that had held him under the bondage of poverty would give way for his lofty dreams to manifest.
When he begins to think big, he’ll be able to see opportunities that small thinking has blinded his mind to see all the while and as he takes advantage of those opportunities, he’ll grow into prosperity and wealth.
Every man has enough creativity in him to thrive no matter the challenges before him, but his mind has to be free from the blindness of thinking poor to be able to manifest his ingenious abilities.
No man is poor, thinking makes them so, if they can think big, they’ll soar above poverty and lack.


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