One of the reasons most relationship don’t progress to marriage is simply assumptions. The guy has an expectation from the girl he hasn’t told her and she has an expectation of him she hasn’t told him She’ll continually feel frustrated when he isn’t responding to her in accordance to such expectation vice versa and the relationship will eventually break up Most relationship is fired over social media therefore the need to have a mature understanding of each other’s social activities is very important. Being online and ignoring your partner triggers lots of negative assumptions like he/she is busy with another person, or I’m just his/her fall over or he/she isn’t serious with me etc. *_Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Phil. 4:5_* Be mature; say what you expect of each other for example. I expect you to greet me in the morning no matter how busy you are, send greetings, if you are online and won’t be able to reply be mature enough to tell me you ...