LETTER TO MY FRIEND WHO LOVES TO PARTY You love sun bathing in sea beaches and attending shows. You love the most sumptuous of meals in the best of restaurants. You love to wear the latest of watches, suites and necklaces. You can’t manage an old phone. Unless it’s a 3 star hotel, you can’t stay on it. If it’s not a bathtub, you won’t take your bath. Every scratch on your skin must be treated by the best doctors in the world. You must be in every party in town and every happening places If you don’t look like Beyonce or Rihanna you aren’t taking photos or allowing anyone seeing you This is the content of my letter to you He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich. Prov. 21:17 You can’t be feeding your flesh and at same time expect your spirit to grow. Its either you feed your spirit or your flesh, the glory of one is the diminishing of the other. Christ so neglected His body that the scripture re...