
What you don’t understand will surely confuse you, an Adventist asked me in a caricature way, what language I speak when I pray in tongues. I wouldn’t blame him for ignorance, his church knows nothing about it and has taught him the very opposite of ‘tongues’ just like they’ve taught him about the ‘Sabbath’.
Whoever knows the Holy spirit must know about tongues and Christ says those who believe would speak in tongues ( if you are not, you don’t believe in the right thing Mark16:17) and any church that teaches that ‘praying in tongues’ is false that church isn’t a true church of God.
The baptism of Christ would result in the ability to function in tongue speaking. Tongue speaking is of two category (1 Cor. 13:1), tongues of men, as found in Acts 2 where those in the upper room functioned in and preached the gospel to the diversified crowds who came for Pentecost and the tongues of the spirit (of angels and apostle Paul put it)
It comes as the result of the baptism of Christ (we have the baptism unto repentance which churches conducts today when you new give your life to Christ and then the baptism in the Holyghost which conducted by Christ)  (see Mark 1:8, Joel 2:28)
We speak mysteries unto God when we pray in tongues ( 1Cor 14:2), mysteries in the sense that men, devil and most times ourselves don’t understand  when we function in that realm but only God can decode it and when you can decode it (my elder sister use to understand and interpret tongues when she hears its) it becomes a prophesy.
We worship God best when we worship in tongues. God is spirit and we can best worship Him in truth and in spirit (john 4:24)
We build our faith by praying in the HolyGhost (Jude 20) if you don’t pray in tongues, you’ll find it difficult to function in the arena of faith to believe God. Churches who don’t pray in the Holyghost don’t have God working miracles in her midst because God works where faith is and faith grows when we pray in tongues.
God speaks to us via tongues (1 Cor 12:28)
When you are baptized with water, you become part of the kingdom and when you are baptized in the Holyghost, the kingdom of God becomes part of you. (a quote I picked from the internet)
Seek the baptism of the spirit today.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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