WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR RESOURCES ARE SCARCE: learning from what the Apostles did (John 6:1-13)

Jesus Christ had been preaching for 3 days and the multitudes’ were now wearied because of hunger. Peter has asked Philip to go check and see how much he could raise and his brother to go ask for donations; if these multitudes must keep listening to Christ having stayed 3days already, they must eat. Let’s go through the sequent of events and learn what these Apostles did to curb the problem before them
LESSON 1: They gathered every money left in the ministry’s purse and that which they donated within themselves and only gathered (200 Penny) they asked for donations from the multitude but they were so unwilling to donate but for a boy who gave out his (5 barley loaves of bread and 2 fishes). Till date, the multitude come to God for miracle and not for a relationship, they want to get from God but not give Him starting from their hearts to their wealth. I hope you are not among the multitudes who from time to time seek for what you can get only from God and not what you can give to further God’s work (anyway, God isn’t interested in the gifts of those who wouldn’t give but in the gifts of those who gave no matter how meager it is)
LESSON 2: What the apostles gathered was far insufficient to the needs before them (feeding of the multitudes). No matter how hardworking and resourceful that we are, what we gathered can never be enough to solve the various challenges before us day by day, we all need the salvation of the Lord, yes, we need His blessings.
LESSON 3: They wanted to dismiss the crowd because they couldn’t feed them but for the objection of Christ Jesus, yes, many would want to stop their children from applying for the university, shrink themselves from taking on some particular challenge before them because they think what they have (their monthly salaries, job profits etc) wouldn’t be enough to face such challenge.  (Remember Goliath was big and David looks smallish, yes, challenges also looks bigger than we are but not tougher than us)
LESSON 4: They gave God what they’ve gathered, yes, whatsoever that’s not our harvest is our seeds. God doesn’t give you harvest before seeds; He gives seeds before harvest, if you save your seed (for those banking their money and claiming they don’t even have a seed), you’ll delay your harvest and if you eat your seed, you’ll cancel your harvest. The apostles gave the all they had that wasn’t enough to God who breathe life to it.
CONCLUSION:  What finally happened was a miracle; the supply was now bigger than the need. Glory! When you apply the same formula on the same equation you’ll get the same results yes, when you do what the Apostles did during the time of great need and scarce supplies, you’ll get what they got; abundance of supplies.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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