how i got baptized in the Holy ghost

As a follow up to my post on speaking in tongues I want to give you a treatise on how I was baptized in the Holyghost by Jesus Christ.
Let me first show you scriptures talking about the baptizing of the Holyghost.
Joel 2:28 is when God promised the baptism of the Holyghost to every flesh, John the baptized recognized Christ as the one who would initiate it (mark 1) and Christ says believers in Him shall speak in tongues (the effect of the baptism of the Holyghost) as they believe in Him (Mark 16:17). Peter came to some group of new believers and asked them if they have received the baptism of the Holyghost (Acts 19:2), when then answered nay the Holyghost came on them and they were filled and spoke in tongues.
On the great feast Christ promised that whoever believers out of His belly shall flow rivers of living water, He was making reference to the infilling of the Holyghost (John 7:37-39).
When I knew about all of these I prayed for it though not forth coming, many voices said not for me even a man told me that not all would be able to speak in tongues, I almost believe him but because of Joel 2:28 that says all flesh and Mark 16:17 that says all who believe in me I kept asking for the infilling of it. I met many men of God who laid hands on me (we can be filled by the laying of hands) but to no avail.
I became tired of asking but from time to time I kept muttering the word ‘this promise is for me’ (acts 2:39) therefore I won’t give up and one day after 4 years of asking in the after while I was sitting alone in my bedroom, I began to see angels coming to me with a coal of fire, the angels opened my mouth and put that coal of fire into my mouth and the fire burnt right through my mouth to my belly (like in a trance this was happening) and while it burns in my belly my mouth got utterances which I couldn’t hold on to and thus I started speaking in tongues and glorifying God. It’s one of the top three events of my life
Many churches learn tongues, that is an error, you must be filled with the Holyghost and receive utterances.
When you repeat a certain tongues it doesn’t mean you are repeating a certain word for example when a tongue was interpreted in the scripture, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN the repetition of MENE MENE meant different things first MENE meant ‘God has numbered thy kingdom’, second MENE meant ‘and finished it’, therefore if you repeat certain utterance it doesn’t mean you are saying same words when you speak in tongues (Dan 5:26).
No being filled in Holyghost doesn’t make you less a Christian it only made less anointed a Christian and limits your ability to function in the power of God. Whether you believe it or not, believers who preach against the baptism of the Holyghost and praying in tongues functions less in the supernatural. Watch the life of whoever that denies this truth, that person would lack the evidence of the power of God in his life
Desire the Baptism of the Holyghost, the promise if for you and everyone who beliefs in Christ Jesus. If some come telling you it’s not for everyone, tell that person, that tongue speaking in the Holyghost is for you.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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