
Showing posts from October 14, 2018


J. Robert Oppenheimer/Albert Einstein regretted creating the atomic bomb after seeing the devastation when it was used on Japan, Mikhail Kaiashnikov who died in 2014 regretted creating the AK-47 riffle, haven lived long to see his creation be responsible for more deaths than any other assault rifle. Stories abound of men who created things and offer services that later came to haunt them because their creation and services is used to propagate hatred, lewdness and inflict wickedness. While it’s important that we earn through creating values, when we offer services that strengthens the spread of evil, we destroy our ability to enjoy wealth. There is no joy in offering services that is been used to destroy the society. Services only fraudsters, dishonest earners, wicked and mean men would patronize, so they can use to destroy the society for their selfish interest will deny you joy and lead you into depression. The man who earns very little by offering services that builds the socie...


A police officer built an estate and trained many of his children abroad from the monies he collected from bribery, laying false accusations on innocent people and shrewdly committing people into offenses so that he can profit from them unjustly. He looks so successful and seems to have everything going for him, he was made a chief in his home town as he commands social respect. He was due to retire 5 years ago, but he kept adjusting his years to remain in office and continue in his clandestine activities but one day, there was a change of government, and he was listed amongst those to be probed, he tried bribing the judges but unfortunately for him, none of the judges would be swayed, instead that act was used against him to increase the count charges on him during the judgment. While fighting the case, he sold his estates, all his cars and withdrew the rest of his kids from school to be able to fight the case. He earned by bribery and believed that through bribery he would escape ...


My Elder sister was afraid of arithmetic  and that fear made it difficult for her to understand mathematics and because she needed it in her O-level, she had to keep repeating it and each time she kept failing. One day I made a decision to teach her mathematics but I didn't start with it, I started by addressing her fear for math. Once I was able to boost her confidence in her ability to believe in herself, understanding arithmetic became very easy, in fact she had a 'B' in math afterwards. What became different? The O-Level standard wasn't reduced so that she could pass, but she upgraded herself by confronting her fear for mathematics to pass. The person who failed Math in about 5 attemptsisn't the person she is right now. When you fail, it means you've not upgraded yourself with enough information and skills to succeed, it means you still have lots of work to do on yourself, it means you need to sleep less and read more, play less and work more, entertain...


Henshael is a musical genius, living with him made me understand what passion is all about, he spends all his free time in church learning and playing guitar till very late in the night. Even after forcing him home, he'll still be playing it on an imaginary guitar and making tunes with his mouth. While I haven't spoken with him for years, I see pictures of him leading large services in worship while playing music. When there is a gift, there is a drive that comes with it we term passion. Its passion that reveals that gifts and talents. When someone is talented, it has been observed to be true that the person would also be passionate about his talent, just as its true for gifts and talents likewise it is for ideas and visions. When an idea or vision hits a man, it comes with passion to drive it to reality. The man with an idea or vision becomes zealous in pursuit of the vision or idea. When a vision or idea is novel, the bearer would be more passionate about it. When poo...


It was during the inaugural meeting of Rebrand Africa Nigeria in Lagos that I understood this concept very well, we discussed a business proposal and broke the risk down into units and many of those in the meeting bought the units and the risk got eliminated,  when we share a risk, it becomes no risk and when we share a profit, it becomes more profits because everyone who shared in the risk became more committed in making the business to work and expand which means more profit to everyone and little or no risk to anyone. This is the secret to successful businesses all over the world, the risk is shared and the profit comes to all those who partook in sharing the risks. Because the risk has been shared amongst many, many people are now committed to making the business work out which means expansion and more profit for everyone. Selfishness is the reason the black-man doesn't have a growing business; he wants the profits alone therefore the risk overwhelms him during the busine...


Many of my home boys sat together under a tree some days ago; we've gathered to play soccer but unfortunately the one who keeps the ball hasn't come, so we started discussing randomly when someone raised the topic of a rich man within the neighborhood. It was rumored that his house is worth more than 100,000,000 Naira. The boys started saying that its impossible for a person to have such kind of money through honest earning that that rich man must had gotten himself involved in dark things, or he belongs to certain cult group. When wealth is strange to the mind and imagination, the hands can never be able to receive and handle it. once you've accepted in your heart that certain amount of wealth is too much for one person to amass through honest earning and the creations of values, you've disqualified yourself from growing into having such amount of wealth. If you don't believe you can be so successful  and earn no limited amount of money, the opportunity and ide...