Lazarus desired the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table, that's all he could desire. He had probably told himself that he was too handicapped to succeed in life and that affected his desires and his desires limited his destiny.
If you want to help the poor, inspire him and make him dream big. Tell him that no one is too handicapped not to become wealthy.

Many poor people think they are handicapped because they don't have certificates or someone who can help them get jobs, many think they are handicapped because of their health challenges or their inability to understand certain subjects, many think they are handicapped because they think they are under curse and many think that they are handicapped because they think they've been born in the wrong country, under a terrible economy and to an uncaring parent etc.

Discover what makes the poor man feel he is handicapped and inspire him. Not until you can out reason the reason the poor man has accepted that status of poverty, you can not make him rich even if you give him money.

What the poor man may think he needs is money but what he truly needs is inspiration.

The inspired hungry man who is contemplating how he can stop begging for food and be the begged is richer than the man with food who is still thinking how to return to begging.

There are millions of stories of men who came from obscurity to greatness, some were having health challenges like Hopkins, some came from a broken home like Ben Carson, some came from a cursed background like Esau, some live under that same economy and government the poor man is living under and some never have the opportunity to go to school and get government certificates, and yet they determine the flow of money in their economies etc.

If you can inspire the poor, it's a very big step in making him rich. Nothing inspires the poor more than stories of men with similar background like him who have made it.

What do you want? If the poor man says he wants money or food or a place to lay his head then he hasn't caught inspiration yet.
But if he says, I want to be able to give people money, to feed nations and to build houses for people then his journey out of poverty has taken a very big leap.
What do you desire? Your desires are either your chains to poverty or breakthrough into exceeding great wealth.
Whoever thinks of what he'll eat, drink, and lay his head is a poor man, even if he has money, he'll quick lose it all. nobody is bigger than how he thinks. If you think big, what to eat, drink and where to lay your head won't have space in your mind.
If we can inspire Africa to think beyond self gratification, we'll succeed in our fiscal empowerment of Africa
Promise Ikpe (President, Rebrand Africa)


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