You know that he/she has anger issues, drinks and flirts and yet you want to commit your life to him/her because you feel you love him/her greatly, my friend, you are about to crash your life forever. Many marriages where one of the spouses is behaving very badly, the behavior didn’t just spring-up, it has been there long before the marriage occurred. Many people commit their lives to someone that has some degree of behavior that they can’t tolerate yet they went on to marry because they hoped he/she would change. Wedding ceremony doesn’t change anyone; it rather amplifies who such person is.
When what you know about someone isn’t not what you can endure, don’t because of what you feel about that person override what you know. God doesn’t communicate what’s right or what’s to wrong to us through our feelings but through knowledge. If there is a battle between what you feel about someone and what you know about that person, always let what you know win because eventually feelings experiences drought, but true knowledge lasts forever.
If you know that your relationship with someone has no future,  discontinue following your feeling, rather act on your knowledge and end it now, if you know that dating someone will distract your purpose in life or lead you into the life of sin, don’t hope it wont because of what you feel about such person, end it.
If you know that he is not born again and he is not interested in God, don’t because of you feel you love him marry him in hope that God would change him. I tell you, most of you would either die or flee before God may change him if he wants to be change, why not obey God and flee from those He has warned you not to commit your life or business to.
Do not be mismated with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 1cor. 6:14-15
Don’t make your soul-mate him whom God warned you not to mate with; don’t make your business partner him whom God warned you to flee from. Those words ‘but I love him’ is not from God if ‘him is known not to be born again with the fruits of the Holy spirit evident so some extent in his life’.
Real love starts from what you know about him/her and not what you feel. Adam knew that Eve was the bone of his bones, made by God for him, and he based his love on such knowledge. Please let your love be based on what you know about him/her before you can commit your life to him/her. If I ask you, ‘why do you love him/her?’ I don’t expect stupid answers like ‘I just feel attracted to him/her, I love his/her looks, I cant get her off my mind etc.’ never let you life be controlled by what you feel but by what you know because definitely what you feel would sooner rather than later diminish but what you know will continue to be truth till Jesus comes. One pluse one equals two, and it will continue to equal two till our fourth generation because its true, yes, if your love is based on the true knowledge of what you know about someone, that love would never diminish even after death do you part.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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