To be able to answer this question we must list out the verses where Paul forbids and list out the reasons he forbade it.
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1Cor. 14:34-35
1.    Paul used the culture of the Jews that forbade women taking bible reading as one of the criteria: this culture is mostly based on the fact that God’s spirit was rarely poured and when it’s poured, it’s poured on men and the priesthood is strictly for lineage of Aaron and Sons.
2.    Paul used the fact that women should rather ask their husbands questions in their homes than to stand in public to ask questions. God made the woman for the man therefore women should rather ask their boss (husband) questions instead asking in the public. It’s a shame for married women to ask questions in public without their husband’s permission.
Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.  1Tim 2:11-14
3.    Paul said a woman shouldn’t preach because she could be easily deceived and forget that she is still under ‘the man’ her husband for the honor that comes with being a pastor.
Paul never said a woman can’t be used by God because in Joel 2:28, God included women among those He would pour out His spirit on and the woman of Samaria that Christ met at the well, went and prepared a whole city to receive Christ (John 4).
If the above concerns were met, a woman can teach or be a pastor. If she can though a pastor be subject to her husband at home without usurping his authority, knowing fully that she was made for the man.
If she can guild herself by the word of God and fall under the protection of her husband that she be not easily deceived then she can be a preacher.
The last concern that it’s a shame for women to preach in church, well, if it’s not a shame for God to anoint women to preach, who are we not to allow the anointing in the woman’s life to flow; besides none can yoke the anointed (limit the flow of the anointing in the anointed) (see Isa 10:27). Women can preach because though the law doesn’t permit it, grace (God’s ability to overshadow the limitations of the law) has made it possible. If you are a lady pastor, always remember its God’s grace that puts you in that position and that you first belong and serve your husband at home before you’ll belong to the church and serve your members. Husbands come first before church if you are a married preacher and if you are not married, then you have little restriction.
Any church that thinks it’s alright for their women to do other jobs like nurse, doctor, business, broadcaster etc. except preaching is hypocritical. If you don’t want your women to preach, you shouldn’t also allow them do any other job; women should rather use their wisdom for God than for other uses.
God bless you.
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