He was a very righteous man, both heaven and earth bears witness to this, he was very prayerful and was careful his children were doing the right things at all times. He was always asking God for forgiveness so that he doesn’t live in sin at any time. He was the richest man in the face of the earth and God had set hedges of protections round about him until....
He started becoming afraid that he would suddenly lose all of his family at one time, he was anxious his vast wealth would suddenly disappear, he was scared he was going to lose his health and all friends would desert him and he began to speak out this fears.
This man’s name is Job.
For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came. Job 3:25-26
No matter how righteous you are, no matter how rich God has made you, no matter how many times you pray a day and how many people are praying for you, as long as you allow fear conquer your imagination and you begin to speak out your fears, soon all that you feared will mature and become the events of your life.
God has not given us the spirit of fear (2Tim 1:7), whether its the fear of divorce, contacting diseases, failing, dying, losing a loved one, not getting married, not be able to conceive etc. its of the devil and if you keep entaintaining such fears, you’ll surely experience the reality of your fears.
Fear is the spirit that makes evil happen and whenever there is any fear in your heart, that spirit has come to cause another evil to happen to you.
Whenever you begin to sense fear in your heart, know for certain that that spirit has come to wrought evil and begin to rebuke in Jesus name and it would flee.
Nothing evil happens to you without you first catching the fear.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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