(summary of today’s lesson @The Ministers Chapel Harare)
When the 7 sons of sceva went to cast out demons in someone they were attacked by the demons and like them many have been attacked by the devil while they try to cast such spirit out (Acts 19:13).
Today we shall be summarizing on how to become the man the devil can never disobey.
First of all, every believer in Christ can cast out devils (Mark 16:17, James 4:7) and the devils dare not resist rather he flees the bible says.
How then do you function in this realm?
 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when YOUR OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED. 2Cor. 10:4-6
The devil obeys those whose obedience have been fulfilled and for your obedience to be fulfilled, you must
Obey God (Job 9:4): those who don’t obey God’s word won’t be obeyed by the devil. From time to time we would be faced with divine instructions to do certain things which looks so impossible to obey to like Hosea (Hosea 1:2) that was asked by God to marry a prostitute, he went ahead and married her though it means he has to be sharing his wife with all the men in town, its difficult but he dare not divorce her because as a servant of God he must obey God. To keep the devil in obedience, you must learn to obey God even in difficult situations.
Obey your authorities (Rom. 13:1): when you don’t obey the authority God has placed above you, the devil won’t obey you. Aaron the High priest and Miriam the Prophetess thought because they were also been used by God that they could challenge Moses their spiritual head (though he was their younger sibling) but God intervened and warned them seriously (Num. 12). You don’t instruct your spiritual head or correct, you only advice and suggest and if he doesn’t take your advice don’t disobey him. Whatsoever our spiritual heads tell us is an instruction but whatsoever we tell them is an opinion, learn to maintain this instruction-opinion relationship with your heads.
Obey yourself (Mat. 5:37); if you don’t keep to your words, even God wont keep to it take less of the devil. Be a man of your words, let your ‘yes’ be your ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. learn to observe and obey yourself, whatsoever you’ve said you’ll do, surely do it. If you keep to your words, the devil will keep to your words.
See the devil the way he is (Isa. 14:16): dont see the devil the way he has shown you he is or the way the world has painted him even some churches to be rather see him the way the scripture described him ‘disarmed, dethroned and powerless foe Col 2:15’ if you’ve not seen the devil the way he is, you cant rebuke him.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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