Many people await God’s promise towards them to come to pass; they wait on the Lord to make a reality His precious and wonderful promise over their lives to come to pass, but it’s never so.
God fulfills His promises towards us the day we became aware of such promises. You no longer wait for the promise of God; rather the promise of God awaits you. Glory!!
And the LORD said, Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand. Judges 1:2 God delivered the land into the hands of Judah. Take note of the word ‘delivered’ meaning God has already given Judah the land but as at this time God gave this word, Judah is yet to occupy the land, infact some 10,000 armies were on the land protecting it from the capture of Judah. But Glory be to God, the land was only waiting for Judah to come take it and the armies are waiting for Judah to step into the land so that they might die. Hallelujah.
When God gives you a blessing through the word that blessing starts waiting for you and the enemies standing between you and such blessings only way awaits death and disappearance as you proceeds toward possession such blessing.
And Judah went up; and the LORD delivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand: and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men. Judges 1:4 in verse 4 Judah went and took up the land delivered to him by God’s word in verse 2 and all the armies that were supposed to hinder Judah from entering the land were slew, yes, as the season of any of God’s blessing reaches in your life, every opposition standing on your way will be destroyed as such blessings awaits you.
God didn’t make it so that you await His blessings for you; rather He made it so that the blessings shall await you. Everything you’ll need in life has been provided and all the provisions await you. I decree in the name of Jesus that you shall no longer wait for any blessing due you in Jesus name. Every season you’ve entered in your life, all the provision for such season shall come to you without delay in Jesus name. If it’s your season for marriage, enter you marriage in Jesus name, if its your season to enjoy your marriage, enjoy that marriage in Jesus name, if its the season for increase in grace and anointing, receive your increase in Jesus name etc. whatsoever its the season in your life, enjoy the provision for such season in Jesus name.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe


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