It’s in our duty not to allow the trouble around us to be the trouble within us, the devil cant trouble you unless you’ve allow the trouble into your heart.
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you... John 14:1-2
The belief in God and His ability to provide should be the antidote for worry. Christ said, no matter what the devil has taken away from you, don’t let your heart be troubled if you believe in Him because The Father still have many more mansions (resources to replace that which was stolen).
Lu 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Did you know that Christ is always at work seeking to recover that which is lost in your life?
If you are losing or you’ve lost your home, Christ came to seek and to restore that home because for you to enjoy your marriage is His plan for you.
If you are losing your health, Christ came to seek and to restore back your health, because on the cross of Calvary He paid the ultimate price for our healing and health from every diseases and sicknesses.
If the devil has been stealing from you, Christ came to restore that which has been taken away from you
If your marriage is lacking fidelity and care and love, Christ came to restore to you that which is lost etc.
When you worry, you hinder the restorative mission of Christ in your life. When the devil takes away something from you, instead sitting down and crying, rise up and tell the devil, ‘my God got many more resources to replace that which i’ve lost’ glory!
... if it were not so, I would have told you... Jn 14:2
If its not true that God got so much to replace whatsoever the devil has stolen from us, Christ would had told us. Christ has said God got enough replacement. Halleluyah. Don’t worry why you are losing important things in your life, trust God because He got more than enough replacements for you.
Let not your heart be troubled, in heaven, God got enough to replace whatsoever you’ve lost here on earth.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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