Pastor, am born again and even control a church but I cant still overcome lust and anger, it keeps hurting me even when I don’t want to fall into lust and anger I just cant control it. Why are my like this? Please help
I replied, that’s not how you are but how the devil had made you look like. The reason we struggle with sin is because we still believe we are flesh and blood but the truth is, we are spirits clothed with flesh. Just like your clothing can’t control your body rather your body controls your clothing so does your spirit control your flesh if you are born again. It’s not a struggle between the spirit and the flesh but your ignorance of the fact that you are spirit functioning in a body. Why Christ said that the disciples were willing but their flesh were weak was because they weren’t born again then (Mt 26:41), they could only be born again after the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. When you are born again, your spirit gains ascendancy over your flesh and you are no longer controlled by your flesh rather you control your flesh from your spirit.
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Eph. 1:4
Your nature as a believer is that that can’t be made unholy, or faulted by the urges of your flesh unless you chose to reduce yourself into carnality and the life of sin.
If you’ve given your life to Christ, your flesh immediately ceded power to your spirit but if you don’t know that your spirit is now in-charge, your flesh would be usurping power and controlling you.
If you are born again, let your spirit arise by declaring its lordship over your flesh, don’t let your flesh usurp the power given to your spirit.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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