Lesson 2

Before God grants us access to the knowledge of what our specific callings in life are, He first watches us to see if we shall observe the general revealed calling for all believers in Him. Not until you’ve responded to the general calling of God, you won’t be granted knowledge to His specific callings for your life.
Calling can be defined simple as God’s assignment for the man He uses.
The callings are as follows:
THE CALL TO BE BORN AGAIN (believe in Christ): God sent Christ and called all humanity to believe in Him whom He has sent. This is the first call we must all yield to with all of our heart, if you don’t believe in Christ, you can’t walk with and work for Him. (John 6:29, 1John 3:23)
THE CALL TO LOVE: God first loved the world before He through Christ reconciled the world to Himself, yes; we can’t function in our specific callings if we do not respond to God’s call to love; the Call to love Him, the call to love our enemies and the call to love our neighbors as ourselves. Everyone who desires to work for God must receive hatred and God would be watching if he would respond with hatred or love instead of hating. You must conquer hatred with love if not, you can’t know or walk in your specific calling (Jn 13:34-35, Mat. 5:44)
THE CALL TO FORGIVE: God forgave the world of all its abominations and looked beyond their sinfulness, yes, we too must respond to God’s call to forgive and look beyond the errors of those in your world. When you don’t forgive, you cut off yourself from God’s forgiveness and you hinder the love of Christ to flow through you to your world. Before you can be an effective minister, you would be offended for no just cause, you’ll be abused by people you hold dear to you and God would be watching to see how you respond to His call to forgive. (Mat. 6:14,15)
THE CALL TO EVANGELIZE: someone asked me, pastor, I think am an apostle, how do I go about it, I respond, first do the work of an evangelist. That was what Paul said to Timothy, that was what Christ said to His apostles, and that’s what the scripture is calling all believers to do. No until you begin to preach randomly, your specific calling in life won’t manifest. (mark. 16:15, 2Tim. 4:5)
THE CALL TO INTERCEDE: before Christ understood His ministry as a man, He allow the Spirit lead Him up to pray and fast for 40 days and Night, yes, you must first respond to the call to pray and intercede before you’ll understand your specific call. (Eze. 22:30, Isa. 59:16)
THE CALL TO FOLLOWERSHIP: you must submit yourself to learning and tutelage. Elisha submitted to Elijah, Joshua to Moses, the Apostles to Christ, in fact, the real purpose when Christ called the apostles is so that they ‘be with Him’, yes, God calls you to be with the man He has appointed to be your shepherd in ministry. You must stay with him as he stays with God. (Mark 3:14)
THE CALL TO STUDY: you must show yourself approved by studying God’s word. A minister of God must be made up with the word of God. The only tool for ministry is God’s word, if you don’t understand it enough to rightly divide it; God can’t trust you with His specific callings for you. As much as you submit yourself to personal study, you must also submit yourself to a teacher. The carnal mind needs help to understand the scripture. Pray for the help of the HolyGhost, and use the help of a teacher (that’s why God gave some to be teachers) (Mat. 9:13, Mat. 22:29, 2Tim 2:15)
THE CALL TO BE HOLY: ministry is about preparing people to see the Lord, and if you are not holy, even if you preach a holy sermon, you won’t be able to make others holy. It’s never what you preach that transforms people, but who you are. Your sermon informs them, your life transforms them; you must be holy to make others holy. (Eph. 1:4, 1Thes. 4:7)
THE CALL TO SERVE: the son of man didn’t come to be served but to serve therefore if you must know your call you must first obey the call to serve. (Jn 13:13-14)
When you’ve observed these general callings, you’ll receive you’ll receive your specific callings.
God bless you


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