Lust is the desire to have someone/something at a cost you’ve not calculated if you can afford. When what you desire impedes your thinking and blind your sense of God’s word then you are under the power of lust.
Amnon fell under lust for her step sister Tamar and forgot that Tamar is her sister and it was an abomination and besides he might lose his life. All his body cared for was to sleep with Tamar and damn the consequences, well, he lost his life because of that. 2Sam. 13. Many men have gotten HIV infection because they feel under the destructive power of lust; many ladies have become single mothers because of the desire to be collecting money from certain men. The spirit of lust would make you look like your life depend solely on that which you are lusting about and the awful thing about this is that, once you get it, you’ll lose every interest in it. Amnon hated Tamar after he slept with her. Have you lusted for someone or something that it was like without that person or thing you won’t enjoy your life and after you’ve gotten that person or that thing, life became even more meaningless to you?
Esau lusted so much for food that he actually believe in the lie his body was telling him that if he didn’t eat that food he would be dead (how can missing a meal kill a man Ge 25:32), well, lust makes you listen to how you feel at that moment and not what God’s word is saying. Some have blindly married the wrong spouses because they feel like doing so and they didn’t check to know what God’s word is saying about it and if such spouse would be compatible with them. many have married divorced spouse whose ex-spouse are still alive, they didn’t care to know what God has to say about marrying divorced spouse whose ex-spouse are still alive etc.
Many are in sexual relationship without seeking to know what God has to say about it, they respond to their lust instead to God’s word. God has made sex only within the confines of marriage, any sex relationship outside this confinement its lust and it surely leads to destruction.
Every man that lusted after his flesh ended up in destruction; the destiny of Reuben became unstable like water (see Gen. 49:4), Amnon lost his life etc. if you are under the power of lust, you need the saving alms of Christ if not your life would be unstable (ups and down) and it would be heading towards destruction.
Ga 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. The only way not to fulfill the lust of your flesh is to walk in the spirit, and you only walk in the spirit when you walk in the word. Before you respond to the desires of your flesh, first find out what the word says about such desire and if you do this, you’ll be walking in the spirit.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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