this might be your story too

His name is Chisom, aged, 19, challenge: addicted to pornography and always indoor watching pornography and masturbating. He belongs to whatsapp and facebook groups where pornographic pictures are being explored.
Where does this life style lead too: it lead to curse ’Gen 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father’. Ham brought curse upon his son Canaan because he was pornographic, while he looked on and laughed at the nakedness of an adult, his brothers closed their eyes against seeing the nakedness of an adult. (Gen 9:22)
If you are addicted to pornography, delighting yourself in seeing the nakedness of others, you are bringing curse on yourself and children.
Her name is Mary, aged 22, challenge: easily seduced by men. She has been taken to bed by different men and though she is not very comfortable with this lifestyle at the beginning but because of her friends, she has suddenly begun to enjoy it, at least, that’s what she says.
Where does this lifestyle leads too: it brings reduction in one’s destiny Gen 39:14 she called to the men of her household and said to them, "See, he has brought among us a Hebrew to insult us; he came in to me to lie with me, and I cried out with a loud voice. When you let men sleep with you, you’ve made your life a thing of sports and reduced yourself into a sex object. Sickness, pregnancy and eternity in hellfire are other consequences of this lifestyle.
Her name is Peace, aged 25, challenge: lies over everything even when not necessary. She has been busted over and over again over her lying issues and yet she can’t just stop
Where does this lifestyle lead to? Hell with the devil. The devil is a liar and father of all liars (Joh 8:44). Nothing describes you as the child of the devil more than having a lying spirit
His name is victor, aged, 23, challenge: smoking weeds, partying and seducing girls. He takes it as a challenge sleep with every girl he sees, always wants to be high by smoking and all his finance is draining because of this.
The result of this lifestyle: Pr 21:17 ¶ He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich.
If you love partying and pleasuring your flesh, you shall be poor in life while fornication will reduce you to a crust of bread, weeds will make you a scrapheap.
Any of these stories might be your story but I have good news for you today, Christ is the cure to any of these problems. Give your life to Christ today and He’ll deliver you from the yoke of sin
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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Today is the day for the presentation of the book ‘Wisdoms for Esthers’ to the world. If you are within or around Umuahia Abia state, you are invited to 128 Uwalaka street, Umuahia by 10 am today.


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