Two friends squatting together had different business ideas and both of them did not have capital. They went their separate ways, after about 2 years, one of them saw the other doing that business he has planned and shared with him 2 years ago. How did you get the capital he asked? I wrote down my business plan, valued it and broke down the value into units and went around looking for those who would buy the units from me. They questioned me about the profitability of the business and when I was able to convince them few people saw what I was seeing and bought the units thereby providing me with the capital that I needed for the business.  What about you? Were you able to start your business as planned? No, I didn't know what to do to raise the capital but I think I know exactly what to do now. Within 6 months, he too had set up his business after doing similar thing his friend had done.
When you have a genuine business plan born out of the need to provide a need goods or services in the society, value your business in terms of money at start up, break it down into units and find investors who would buy the units thereby providing the capital that you need for the business. If you are sincere in your quest and you know the onion of the business idea you are proposing, raising capital won't be a problem because many would be willing to invest in your business so that as you profit, they too would. Many multi-national companies got their start up capitals that way.
To train the African child to be wealthy, let him learn how to sell his business ideas to people and as they buy, the capital he needs to run the business would be generated. He must first understand whatsoever business he wants to delve into and then it would become easier for him to sell the idea to people to invest by buying units of his proposed business thereby providing him with the needed capital for the proposed business.
If you are finding it hard to sell your business units, it means you won't be able to sell the business if you have capitals and starts the business. If the idea sells, the product or services would sell as well.
The way to test the viability of a business is in the selling of the risks after it has been broken down into units. If you can convince people to buy the idea and invest in it, you'll also not be able to convince people to buy the product or services rendered by that business.
God bless you
Promise Ikpe


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