Sunday 13th March 2016
TEXT: Mr 9:41 ¶ For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ, will by no means lose his reward.
Whatsoever we do to our man of God, the one God sent to teach us His word and make us grow in the spirit is like a seed. From the smallest favor to the greatest has its harvest and from the tiniest hurt to the greatest inflictions, has its multiplied punishments.
1.    Men of God are our access into the realm of spiritual blessings (Job 42:8, 1Sa 25:35): whatsoever we do to a man of God we’ve done to God; our gifts, kind gestures and even look down on the man of God because he is God’s ambassador (representative of God) in our life. Whatsoever you want to give to God for a reward, give it to your man of God (the one God has ordained for you).
2.    House of God (Mal 3:8-11): every man of God must be connected to the house of God. What we do for the house of God affects our spiritual harvests and those of us without spiritual harvest will have no physical harvest no matter how much we labor and strive. You must be connected to the house of God not just with your presence but with your gift (Pr 18:16); first fruits, tithe and offerings.
3.    Scorning a man of God brings curse: Ham brought curse to his child Canaan because he laughed at his father’s foolishness (Gen 9:22-25); Judas committed suicide because he betrayed his masters’ trust and Michal didn’t have a child because she laughed David (2Sam 6:16-23). Don’t laugh or scorn or hurt your man of God no matter what he does so that you won’t multiply curse over your life.

Is an opportunity to have easy access to God through His ambassadors in our lives, God’s representative is that man through whom He speaks His words to you and direct you in all of His counsels. Be careful how you treat your man of God because your attitude to him will determines God’s responds to you. Pray for your man of God, give him and never join those speaking evil against him on his behind to avoid the curse associated with such attitude. Every of our actions to our man of God is a seed.


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