A man signed in to be selling news papers, he sells several types of news papers, magazines and sports papers. Whenever you come to his shop, you’ll find several people there reading several papers and people thought that the way people flock around him is the way he sells but to no avail. Oneday, he complained to one of his neighbors that also sells papers that though several people will gather around his shop to read and discuss the news and that his shop is the hottest shop and talk of the town for several people always gather around it every day but none buy any paper from him as they only come read, discuss amongst themselves the news and then go away without buying any paper.
After the neighbor has diligently listened to him, asked him, can you buy a book you already know its content? And he said No, then you’ll buy a book you never read before and he said yes, then he said, that’s the reason you don’t sell. When they come, you allow them read without paying for it and when they be done with the content they go without it and because people love free things, they all flock to your shop making it the hottest gossip zone in town but you ‘a bad-vendor’. If people have to pay before they will have access to your papers, then less people will gather around your shop but the few that will come, will come to purchase and take home.
Every boy’s purpose in any relationship with a girl is sex, that aim can either be that main aim or subsidiary aim but its always one of their aims. When the boy finds out that he is not getting it for free will wants to pay and take home but if the girls gives it to him free, then he will stay out their with her enjoying it and when he is tired, he will go to another.
Some ladies will say after all he buys me BB, assist me financially, buy me cars and other costly things but the truth is that, you don’t know what you really need. Every girl really need who will pay their bride price. If he claims he wants you, let him not buy you a car to prove it, let him pay for your bride price. Its not a man that is willing to spend millions on you that you want, but that one that is willing to pay your dowry.
Any money received from a boy that is not geared toward the payment of her bribe price is a bribe into the sex life of the girl.
If he wants you, don’t ask for your school fees from him, don’t ask for wealth and money for make ups, ask him to go pay your dowry. If he really wants you, he will immediately go pay it and if he doesn’t, he will immediately go because he knows you know what you want and he cant give it to you, this saves you several temptation and opens you up for several other advances from other admirers.
If you freely give men what they want, you’ll have several male friends, lovely pings and messages etc. but all this will be superficial as nothing will be real but if you don’t, you might not even have any person right now, no lovely messages and pings, but the truth is, whoever comes will come to take you home.
Many that wanted a miracle now to get married because they are very much of age are those that let men come read them for free and go and now they are tired of men coming to read them and go with out taking them along.
You wont need a miracle to get married if you seal up. Men will pay if they be sure that they can only read the content after they have paid the price. Only Christ can help you seal up
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
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