For whatsoever reason she doesn’t want to keep her baby and in seeking for means of killing and destroying the body of the baby so that no one would detect what she did she opted to use strong acid on her baby.
She took her babe to a hidden, used ear phone to block her ears from hearing the cry of the baby while she used acid on body of the baby. The baby cried but her ears are blocked, she cares more on disposing the baby than anything else in the world. The baby died and the body was grossly eaten up by those acids. This lady left the remains of the baby and fled.
Few hours later after she had left someone came around there and found out what had happened, brought out the body of this baby which is now eaten up by the acid and called out those in the neighbourhood. When people came, they began cursing whoever did that to this young and innocent baby. Some says, she is a witch, some says it’s the sign of the end time, and others says she would never have children in her whole life for doing this evil on an innocent baby, and the curse goes on and on.
Before you add in cursing this woman that cruelly poured acid on her unwanted baby I want us to know that whoever had aborted a baby is guilty of similar offence. Life starts at conception and not birth. Every mother knows that her baby is a living person in her belly even before birth.
Abortion drugs do the same as that acid did on that child in on story on our unborn baby. When you take drugs, the drugs would act as acids and eat up the body of the unborn baby until the baby is dead in your belly and it’s flushed away.
The struggle that unborn child undergoes before it is killed in the belly and flushed out by that abortion drugs, only God knows.
You wonder why life is unfair to you, you question why death is knocking at your door, you wonder why you are barren and nothing is working out for you, remember Christ told Peter when he wanted to kill those that came to arrest Him with the sword, Christ said to him ‘...put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Matt. 26:52
Yes, those that kill others with cruelty would be destroyed cruelly. If you’ve committed abortion or aided by advice by financing it or in any way possible, you are not innocent of cruel murdering of an innocent child.
There is only one way out for you if you are guilty murdering children in the name of abortion, and that is to give your life to Christ and let Christ suffer for your sins for I tell you surely that you can’t endure the consequences of what you did to that child when you cruelly murdered him/her.
God bless you.
Pastor Promise Ikpe
Share the word, if you are against abortion


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