Many years ago, in Odota Illorin west, I followed some locals to swim in a stagnant river and I almost died afterwards because of the virus I had picked up from that river. I was not the only one who contracted disease from that river, most of my friends who swam the river with me also did.
What made that river so dangerous to health? It was because water flows in without flowing out.
When Africa keeps receiving and not giving, we’ll stink and become the most dangerous place to live in.
One of our problems in Africa is because we want to get and get and get. The leaders want to get and the lead wants to get and no one wants to give.
A nation is not impoverished by given; the generous soul is made fat.
Africa is fast becoming the most dangerous place to live and survive on the face of the planet because Africa only thinks of getting and not giving.
The Dead Sea is regarded as such because it receives water and it doesn’t release same.
Africa will become a dead nation if we continue in the habit of stinginess and greed.
It’s a common habit in Africa to say and to ask people to ‘bring me something, buy me that, what did you brought for me? When will you take me out? And give me my share etc.’
The African mind has been cultured to ask for something and not to aspire to give something. That is why the African mind hasn’t been creative. Necessity is the mother of invention, if Africa thinks giving, the African mind would be opened to invent.
Our creativity would be unleashed when we begin to think more about giving than receiving.
Africa will become a greater nation when we sit to discuss what we should give as a nation, as a city, as a family and as an individual.
The leading nations of our days are nations that give more.
If we want to take lead in the economic affairs of the world, Africa should think of giving. Let’s start by giving what we have
No nation or individual has grown poor by giving; they rather grow poor by withholding.
There would be better means of livelihood in Africa, when Africa begins to give to the rest of the world.
The giver would definitely become the lord over the receiver. Not until we give, we won’t take the lead in the affairs of the world.
You can start by being the giver in your sphere of influence. Give money, share your ideas, divide up your space, and do what takes something out of you for free to another person. Our value as individual, nation and continent will increase as we increase in giving.
God bless you
Promise Ikpe


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