I was in church today; we were almost done with the Sunday school class when a woman raised the question, ‘Holy Lies’.
All eyes were on me, what I’ll have to say. Another reverend minister was there, together we were to answer. Other members seem to understand what she meant, but I was lost.
These are two contradictory words I said to her, please explain yourself and guess what, she picked her ground from the bible. Abraham lied therefore it’s okay to lie to protect yourself (see Gen. 12)
I was lost, almost everyone rallied behind her, giving various conditions when lying could be justified.
Mother lying to protect her child, husbands lying to protect the wife, workers lying to earn more money or defer their retirement age, footballers lying so that they could sign contracts and lying to safe one’s life etc.
Let’s start with the scripture, Abraham lied because he thought he could protect his family, but his lies couldn’t, if not for God’s intervention, he would had lost his wife.
We lie because we want to control destinies and fate; we want to play God either in our life or that of those we are lying to protect.
Salvation is of the Lord; our lies can never save us or those we love.
If you understand this, you won’t lie for any reason. Whatsoever God has not given you, lying won’t earn it for you or those you love.
When you lie, no matter how much you justify it, it’s a lie and it’s sinful and if you love God, you’ll repent of it.
If you are earning through lies, you are a thief and it doesn’t end well with thieves and liars
*_But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone … Rev. 21:8_*
All liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.
God bless you
Pastor Promise Ikpe
For prayers and counseling add +2348025968171


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